Graco: Infant

Results 51-60 from 2,202 articles

Infant Car Seat Help!!

M.W. asks from Kansas City

I am about to have my fourth baby and am going crazy trying to figure out which infant car seat to purchase. I have looked at Chicco, Graco and Baby Trend and can't ...


Graco Pack N Play with New Born Napper?

C.F. asks from Tyler

Just curious if any of you have the graco pack n play with the new born napper? Would like to know if this feature is worth the extra money? Does your baby really us...


Infant Car Seats

S.R. asks from Cincinnati

Please tell me if you absolutely loved your infant car seat, especially if you bought it in the past 2 years. We are expecting twins, so need two, so looking for cos...


Infant Seat Advice

B.B. asks from Los Angeles

OK Mom's advice needed I am currently due in Dec and a few of my friends suggested that my car seat I used for my son (he is now 4) may need to be replaced because o...


Your Favorite Infant Carseat?

C.R. asks from Detroit

My 2004 Graco travel system served me well, but I let go of the infant seat when my second child ourgrew it. I am left with a (Graco?) snap-and-go stroller that I muc...


Moving Out of an Infant Car Seat...

M.H. asks from Phoenix

Hello, My 5 month old son is quickly approaching the weight limit on his infant car seat. My husband and I are researching the convertible car seats. I have read ma...


Infant Car Seat

A. asks from Dallas

Hey, just wondering what infant car seats you mommas recommend for our new baby girl. We will only buy the Britax brand of convertible seat, but wasn't sure what was...


Infant Carseat/Carrier Question...

L.P. asks from Pittsburgh

What brand/style do you use/prefer? Those things are so darned klunky!! I am doing my research, and as usual, an integral part of that research is to ask my wise ma...


Infant Car Seat & Stroller

L.M. asks from Boston

Hi, I'm looking to buy a new infant car seat & stroller for my baby who's due in july..I wanted something that's good for long walks, but folds up small..Any advice?


Stroller Recommendations for Infant and Toddler

V. asks from Minneapolis

I am due to deliver my second child very soon and am looking for a stroller that will accommodate both my infant and toddler (2 yrs. old). I have an infant car seat ...