Childcare: Zyrtec

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27 answers

Treatment for Allergies and Mild Asthma

Hello Everyone. I really need some advice on what to do for my 6 year old son. First a little background: he was born with severe acid reflux and was on Zantac syrup for 3 years; then at age 4, he was tested for allergies (in which he is mostly allergic to grass, pollens, and trees) and put on Zyrtec. After a while, the Zyrtec stopped working and his allergies got worse. At age 5, he starting getting allergy shots (he still gets them every 2 weeks). At age 6, after a bout with pneumonia, we found out he has mild asthma. September...

Social Skills

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6 answers

Zyrtec and Breastfeeding

I got the OK from my son's pedi that is was okay for me to take Zyrtec while breastfeeding. I have KILLER allergies! She said she took it herself while breastfeeding. It says it is definitely NOT recommended if breastfeeding on the box. I told that to my pedi (I'm sure she knows this...but still) and she still said it was okay. She did say the Zyrtec D would not be okay. Have any of you other moms taken Zyrtec while breastfeeding? FYI-I have never had a supply issue with my milk with my 1st or 2nd baby. Just want some MORE personal...


Zyrtec and Behavior

I have a 6 year old daughter who has allergies which seem to crop up this...


Zyrtec for Kids ?

Our six year old is coming home with swollen eyes, congestion etc and I...