Career: Infant

Results 51-60 from 97,091 articles

Career Mom Switching to Stay at Home - Need Advice and Suggestions!!!

L.J. asks from Dallas

Hi Ladies, I am switching from a Marketing Manager job to being a full stay at home mom. While I am SO EXCITED! to stay home with my little man, I can't help but be ...


When to start mixing infant cereal in with formula?

A.B. asks from Tulsa

I'm just wondering if anyone knows when you can start mixing infant cereal in with formula. My daughter is eating 4 oz every 2 hrs and we are wanting to try cereal to...


Flying with an Infant

A.M. asks from Chicago

Hi. I havent flown w/an infant for some time, so I was wondering if u ladies could offer some tips for flying w/a 7 month old. Any packing tips to make things as easy...


Infant Ecema

K.C. asks from Detroit

Hi! My son is 7 months old and has infant ecema. His dr. gave him cortisone cream and told me to only use a small amt. on a small area each day. I've heard that it...


Infant Cereal

T.D. asks from Lansing

My daughter is a month old. She is eating between 3 and 4 ounces of formula and still cries like she is hungry. She burps well, but i always feed her some more and th...


Camping with an Infant

K.K. asks from Denver

Hi Moms, We are planning on camping this summer with our 11 month old. I was wondering if any of you could give me advice on what to bring? And if you have any s...


Infant Torticollis

T.P. asks from Phoenix

My Son of four months was just diagnosed with infant torticollis, we are waiting for the PT to be approved by the insurance so we can make an appointment, But I rota...


Camping with an Infant.

H.J. asks from San Francisco

DH and I have friends who love camping. They have invited us to go on some trips with them. We just cannot agree on what to do with our 4 month old daughter. My idea ...


New Job & New Baby?? What to Do?

A.L. asks from Minneapolis

My husband and I have a 13 month old at home currently and are thinking about starting to plan for number 2. We had decided I would be a stay at home mom and have a s...


Infant Constipation

S.M. asks from Greensboro

I have a 15 week old precious daughter who seems to me to be constipated. I nurse her only once in the morning and pump breastmilk and feed her a bottle during the d...