Bottles Accessories: Myself, Avent

Results 21-30 from 624 articles

Bottle for Newborn

S.G. asks from Seattle

Hi, I am currently 36 weeks pregnant and went shopping for necessary baby items. But going to the stores only add to my confusion. There are whole bunch of bottles...


Bottle Nipples?

S.B. asks from Janesville-Beloit

I am having a problem with the nipples for my son's bottles. He is six weeks old and I can't seem to find the right kind of nipple for his bottles. I have slow flow n...


Picking the Perfect Bottle

S.L. asks from Provo

I had twins in February. I have been breast feeding them this whole time. But with that comes the inability to go anywhere for over 2 hours. One of the boys will t...


Bottle Feeding

S.C. asks from Boston

I am currently trying to bottle feed my 6 month old daughter. I have been told when trying to feed her to not give in when she is crying, otherwise she will never lea...


Weaning off of the Bottle

P.J. asks from Dallas

Do any of you Mom's have suggestion on how to wean a 12 month old off a bottle. At his 12 month check up the dr said he wanted me to start weaning my son off of a bot...


Bottle Nipples for Breastfed Baby

M.M. asks from Minneapolis

We are trying to find a bottle nipple that our daughter will take that doesn't take so long for her to eat. I returned to work today and it took her 2 hours and she ...


Do YOU Have a Bottle Preference?

C.M. asks from St. Louis

Started going through my older kids stuff and got to the multitude of bottles we have!!! My first two were breastfed at night and bottle fed during the day. We have M...


Breast to Bottle....

A.S. asks from Dallas

Hello ladies!!!! Ok, so I have another question for you mamas out there. I have a 4 month old, and at this point I am planning on going back to work end of Augu...


Bottle Refusal

K.J. asks from Los Angeles

I breastfeed my beautiful 3 1/2 month old daughter exclusively, however for the past couple of months she has refused a bottle - not of formula but of breast milk. T...


When to Cut Out the Bottle?

D.K. asks from Cleveland

Hello Again All, My daughter will be 14 months old next week and I was wondering when is a good time to get rid of the bottle. She drinks out of a sippy cop most of...