Birthday Party Preparation: Elmo

Results 41-50 from 408 articles

First Birthday Advice

W.B. asks from El Paso

Hello everyone! My son Ethan is turning one in October and I could really use some advice on planning a nice but short and sweet birthday party. I have about 12 ki...


First Birthday Gifts

M.E. asks from Chicago

hi my 10 month old baby girl is going to be one soon and i am trying to think of some good 1 year old birthday presents any ideas?


First Haircut and First Birthday

L.J. asks from Cincinnati

So yeah, I have a few more first questions. My son is 8 months and my husband is complaining about how long his hair is getting and how he needs a hair cut. Sure he h...


Birthday and Baptism Cake

A.C. asks from Hartford

looking for a bakery that is able to do cutesy cake for her first birthday and a symbolic cake (i.e. cross shape) for her baptism...what do you think..thanks... OO...


Baby's First Birthday...

L.D. asks from Houston

I am at a loss for ideas on what to get my soon to be 1 year old for his birthday. This seems to be a hard age to buy for and I was wondering if any of you had any s...


Birthday Party Ideas

S. asks from Cleveland

I have a son who is turning 6 in Feb. I am trying to come up with a fun birthday party for him (that won't utterly exaust me in the process). Considering the weather ...


Birthday Party Ideas

N.K. asks from Atlanta

My daughter's 3 year old birthday is coming up, and I am looking for party suggestions. We live in the city of Marietta and will have about 6 to 8 other children (bo...


Goody Bags for Twins Birthday

S.A. asks from Madison

I am celebrating 6th birthday of my twins daughters.I'm just wondering about the goody bags,,should I make 2 bags for one kid or just 1 bag will be enough.Also pleas...


2 Year Old Birthday Party

L.S. asks from Dallas

Does anyone have suggestions for party fun for a 2 year old's birthday? His guests will include adults and kids from ages 2 to 8. His theme is Elmo. Thank you fo...


1St Birthday Party Ideas!!!

J.P. asks from Lewiston

Only 2 more months until my baby girl's first birthday!!! I cant believe it! I have been thinking of different party ideas, but I have never thrown a party for a 1 ye...