Beauty: Infant, Hydrocortisone

Results 11-20 from 77 articles

My 15 Weeks Old Has Severe Eczema on Face - HELP!!

C.C. asks from Chicago

We are now on formula number 4 per our pediatrician to see if allergy related - from Enfamil Newborn, to Gentleease to Soy and now on a hypoallogenic one. His face se...


Help! First Time pregnancy/Mom at 36...whats with This Rash and My Feet?

F.V. asks from Lancaster

Can anyone give me advise on the type of cream or what it is that I can do about this lovely rash that has developed under both of my breasts? The Dr says use hydro-c...


Shampoo/body Wash That's Good for Eczema

J.K. asks from Los Angeles

My 16 month old has always had eczema on her legs, but it was very mild (diagnosed by her pediatrician). For some reason, it has gotten significantly worse in the pa...


Doc Says to Start Rice Cereal at 4 Mo

L.G. asks from Philadelphia

Hi moms, At my son's 4 month check up appt this morning, the doctor recommended starting rice cereal. I'm just a bit weary of this and here is why.... Brayden was bo...



M.F. asks from Minneapolis

I have a ten month old whom I believe may have eczema...Here's a little history. When my son was an infant we noticed he would get these small, pimple like bumps on ...


How Do I Get Rid of Cradle Cap???

L.F. asks from San Antonio

HI! My beautiful baby girl Larryn just turned 10 months last week. We're still fighting cradle cap. I thought it would be gone by now, but to no avail. I have tri...


Eczema Help

C.D. asks from Dallas

My poor baby he has really really bad eczema. We have tried 4 different prescriptions but nothing seems to work. He is 5 months old and its on both his cheeks and a...


Seeking Help with Eczema

J.Z. asks from Chicago

I have two children ages 1 and 2 that I believe have eczema. My daughter had it when she was a new born, but has gone away for almost two years until just a couple o...


Cradle Cap

S.W. asks from St. Louis

My 3 and a half month old boy has had cradle cap for the past two months. I think it is due to the cold dry air, and perhaps some sensitive skin. I have tried takin...


My 3 Month Old Has Rough, Dry, Red, Flaky Skin That I Can't Cure!

M.M. asks from Shreveport

I have a 3 month old with very VERY dry skin. He may also have a touch of Eczema, but I really think it is mostly chaffed skin. His skin is rough and flaky with tin...