Working while Pregnant: Infant, Safeway

Results 1-10 from 82 articles

What to Eat While Pregnant...

T.R. asks from Denver

I'm 14 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child and can't figure out what to eat. I stand in front of the refrigerator everyday at lunch and dinner and nothing sounds good. ...


Pregnant at 46, 7 Weeks

E.W. asks from Sacramento

I am 46 and 7 weeks pregnant(naturally), 2 teenage daughters, 2 miscarriages in the past 2 years. So my new husband of 5 years and I are hoping third times a charm. B...


Newly Pregnant and Sooooo Nauseous. Please Help!

T.P. asks from San Francisco

Hello. I am 6 weeks pregnant with my second child and have such bad nausea and food aversions that I'm having trouble being at work and eating or drinking anything at...


Seeking Referrals for Infant Daycare in Bay Area

L.D. asks from San Francisco

My husband and I are expecting our first baby in October and I plan to return to work in late February/early March 2011. We're researching daycare options now as I kn...


Food Ideas for Double Baby Shower at Work

A.B. asks from San Francisco

Yay, I am in charge of something fun at work. I am planning a shower in about 2 weeks and I'd love some ideas! Two of the ladies here are pregnant and one's husband...


I'm Trying to Register for My Baby Shower and I Don't Know What I Need...

R.R. asks from San Francisco

There are so many "must-have" baby things out there that I have no idea what is really helpful vs. what is not as important. If you could respond with baby products ...


Simple Meals for a Tired Pregnant Mama.......

J.B. asks from Houston

Hey mamas, Well I am 9 wks prego and so beyond belief tired!! I chase my other two little ones around all day and between that and the house and laundry etc, I am w...


Baby with!

C.L. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter is 5 weeks old and get's fussy starting at 6pm and lasting all night. I've tried the gas drops and someone told me about gripe water, but no luck! Is ther...


Help! Anyone Love Thier Stroller? How Do You Pick?

D.P. asks from San Francisco

And I thought having the baby would be the hard part! I had an easier time picking my last car than a stroller! I am pregnant and overwhelmed! I want something that w...


Seeking Advice on How to Be Prepared for Taking Care of Household and Baby #3

A.K. asks from Sacramento

Hi, I am SAHM and due in February with my 3rd child (3rd girl!!!) and my 2 other ones will be 3yrs and 18 mo. Yes, 3 kids under 3. Well, knowing how tough it is going...