White Noise or Sound Machine

Results 171-180 from 3,945 articles

Humidifier/Air Purifier Recommendations Please!

M.B. asks from Los Angeles

Hi, I'm looking to purchase a Humidifier/air purifier or maybe just an air purifier for our son's room that doesn't need filter replacements. Does anybody have any r...


Sleep Deprived, 7 Weeks and Can't Stay Asleep During the Day for a Nap!

T.L. asks from Detroit

I want to know any suggestions, I have tried many, to help my infant stay asleep during the day when she falls asleep. She maxes out for a nap at 30 minutes, if I am...


3YO Waking up at Night Dont Know Why

A.C. asks from Charleston

My daughter is 3 and the past few months she has been waking up at night crying and now she wont go to sleep unless her lights are on (night light was not enough) so ...


Nap Time at a New Daycare- Getting My Son Ready

J.A. asks from St. Louis

My 14 month old son is starting daycare for the first time in 4 weeks. Right now he is at home with his dad until he starts school (my husband not my son). He has alw...


Help !!!Sleeping in a Bassinet

K.P. asks from Boston

hey everyone my little girl in 2 1/2 weeks old and she will not sleep in her bassinet at night. she is sound a sleep when we try and put her in but as soon as she is ...


Mucus Plug or Something Else?

F.S. asks from Indianapolis

hi heres my question i noticed this morning while wiping after urination i had some light brown some globs on the tissue (very little globs) so i called my doctor and...


Snoring Husband!!

L.R. asks from Oklahoma City

PLEASE!!! We need help :) Does anyone know of a good snoring aid to help minimize my husband's snoring? It is really affecting both of us. I am a very light sleeper ...


Mom of 2 1/2 Your Old Boy Looking for Advise on Asthma and a Nebulizer

J.P. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, You've all been so helpful in the past, I need some help again. My son who is 2 1/2 will be 3 in July has had this cough for about a month. I have take...


Helping a Three-month-old Nap

C.S. asks from Sacramento

Hi Mamas. I have a question about naps for you. My 13-week-old son, who seems to require a LOT of sleep, has decided he doesn't care to nap until he's on my lap. This...


Juicer Vs. Blender/juices Vs. Smoothies?

S.E. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, I was at Sam's Club and this guy was demo-ing a nearly $400 BlendTec blender that made delicious smoothies out of a bunch of fruit with rinds (watermelon) a...