Toddler: Tween, Safeway

Results 1-10 from 55 articles

Ideas for Entertaining My 13 Year Old Niece?

N.R. asks from San Francisco

Hello, My 13 year old niece is arriving today for a week-long visit. She is bringing her 3 month old pug puppy with her. My question is, does anyone have any su...


16 Month Old Picky Eater

T.R. asks from Stockton

Hello, I am a little frustrated with my little guy. He has got to be the world's worst eater. He was started on pretty much everything very early on so he has alread...


My 11 Year Old Is Being Disrespectful and Argumentative

H.L. asks from Albuquerque

Help!!! My 11 year old daughter has become very direspectful to my husband and I, mostly me. She has the same amount of responsibility as my other children, such as t...


Acne Cure for 10 Year Old

M.P. asks from Sacramento

Hi, My son is 10-1/2 years old and his forehead is really starting to break out. I've had him washing his face with Noxeima in the shower at night and also using a ...


Tween Body Odor Solutions?

Y.P. asks from San Francisco

My son is 11 years old and is just now starting to have body odor. Should I make him use underarm deoderant? Are anti-perspirants safe for kids? He doesn't smell hims...


14 Year Old Son Looking for Summer Work

A.M. asks from Phoenix

Help!!! My son has wanted a job since he was able to walk. I told him he could get a job when he turns fourteen. He gets excellent grades and does yard work in our ne...


Daughter with Celiac

K.K. asks from Denver

We recently found out my 10 year old daughter has celiac and changing our home to Wheat & Gluten free has proved itself more difficult then I thought! Anyone with ad...


2.5 Year Old Son Won't Eat Meat

T.G. asks from San Francisco

Does anyone else have this problem? My son will NOT eat any meat except chicken nuggets or mini meatballs. Occasionally he will eat tofu. If I cut up chicken, he...


Seeking Advice & Recipies for Allergice Son

L.T. asks from San Francisco

Hi we just saw our Dr. yesterday. In reviewing my 14 year old son's blood work it was mentied that he scored high in being allergic to wheat and milk. I am confused ...


Facial Cleanser for Tween

Y.P. asks from San Francisco

Hi Moms, My son is 11. I am looking for a facial cleanser or facial soap for him. (Could be used for his body too or could be a separate cleanser/soap.) Something g...