Stuffed Toys: Toddler, Meijer

Results 21-30 from 89 articles


C.O. asks from Chicago

I was recently diagnosed with celiac.I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for books or websites. I am not to concerned with being able to follow the diet...



C.T. asks from Detroit

My daughter has been constipated for a few weeks. She cries and strains when she poops and there are specks of blood. She refuses to drink water despite my attempts....


Kid "Pee'd" on My Couch!

A.M. asks from Columbus

Help! My son pee'd through his diaper and onto our couch. It stinks!!! Is there anything good I can use to get the smell out?? I've tried several things already bu...


Brand of Soy Milk

K.L. asks from Cleveland

Does anyone have a particular brand of soy milk they recommend? My doctor recommended giving my 13 month old daughter soy milk instead of regular milk. I've been ge...


4 y.o. With Bad Case of Eczema

K.W. asks from Muncie

My four year old daughter has had Eczema on and off since she was born. In the past I have taken her to the pediatrician and gotten a prescription for a skin cream. ...


Alternatives to Cows Milk

J.B. asks from Detroit

Hi Everyone! We are currently researching alternatives to cow's milk. My daughter is 9 months old. I know we do not want to give her cows milk....and I anticipate ...


Organic Milk??

L.T. asks from Grand Rapids

I've been feeding my daughter all organic foods, and as everyone knows, this is pretty expensive.... I was just enlightened by the fact that many dairy producers are...


First Birthday Party Ideas?

J.R. asks from Grand Rapids

We just went to a first birthday party, and although it's a few months away, it gave me complete birthday party fever and I'm starting to pull a few ideas together fo...


I Need Help with Food

M.T. asks from Detroit

My son used to eat the Gerber meat sticks but now he hates them. I'm not sure what to serve him for lunch and dinner. Dinner isn't so bad because usually he can eat...


1St Birthday Gift

S.A. asks from Lansing

Hello everyone! One of my good friends has a little boy who is turning 1 next month. I wanted to get him a unique and special birthday gift but haven't found anythi...