Soothing & Comforting: Infant, The First Years

Results 31-40 from 1,561 articles

Need Advice on Traveling by Plane with Infant

L.W. asks from Raleigh

I'm sure this subject has been posted before, but please humor me, and share any advice you have! My husband and I are traveling to upstate New York in July with our ...


Skinny Baby Underweight?

O.W. asks from Washington DC

My son is 9 weeks and about 9 pounds/23 inches. That is right about at the very bottom of the infant weight curve (5th percentile) if not below. He was born 7 pound...


Mixed Race Infant Hair Care

A.F. asks from Boston

I am due to have a mixed race (african american & white) little girl in Feb. I have started to stress out because, I don't know how to take care of nappy hair. I know...


Screaming Baby When Breastfeeding

E.M. asks from Boston

Hello, My son is almost 4 months old now and has been very colicky from the start where he would just cry and scream for 4 hours straight at night. That has gotten...


Which Baby Monitor Do You Highly Recommend

V.D. asks from Dallas

I registered for a baby monitor that has gotten horrible reviews. Could you share with me which baby monitor is by far the best. Our house is aprox. 2000 sq. ft. an...


Second Baby Guilt?

J.S. asks from Philadelphia

Please someone tell me this is a normal feeling.. my daughter will be 27mos old when our second is born? I sometimes get overwhelming guilt about her having to split ...


What Baby Items Can You Not Live Without?

S.J. asks from St. Louis

I am getting ready to register for my baby shower, and I want to hear from recent new moms as to what you have found to be extrememly helpful and things you couldn't ...


Need Baby Registry Advice

B.D. asks from Kansas City

I'm expecting a baby girl in February, and we just brought home our new 10 and 5 year-old sons from Russia. Life is a little hectic right now, and most of my time is...


Breastfeeding Baby Won't Take Bottle....

C.W. asks from Phoenix

i have a two month baby i've been breastfeeding but there are times when i want her to take a my huandsband can bond or so i can go out to do errands or jus...


Seeking Advice & Comfort About Feeding My Breastfed Baby

K.W. asks from Little Rock

I have a 7 month old baby girl who is breastfed. At 6 months, she weighed 25 1/2 pounds and was 28 inches long. Healthy as she may be, I have just barely started feed...