Sit & Stand Strollers: Infant, Baby Trend

Results 31-40 from 261 articles

Sit and Stand or a Jogger Stroller

C.K. asks from Dallas

I want to buy a stroller for my daughters and I am having a hard time choosing between the two! My girls are 1 and 2 the oldest is very independent. She loves to help...


Double Stroller or Sit and Stand???

D.P. asks from Philadelphia

I am expecting my second baby in April and am starting to look at strollers. The baby will be born a few months before my son turns 3. I am torn between a regular dou...


Joovy Caboose Ultralight or Baby Trend Sit N Stand

G.P. asks from Minneapolis

Any thoughts, experience, advice on choosing between these two strollers? Thanks!


Seeking Info on Sit N Stand Strollers

W.W. asks from Denver

Hi, I have a 3 yr old son who's turning 4 soon. I'm expecting a baby in November and I've been thinking about purchasing a Sit N Stand type stroller. Has anyone use...


Reviews on Sit 'N Stand Elite Double Stroller from One Step Ahead

S.V. asks from New York

Has anyone tried the Sit'n Stand Elite Double Stroller exclusively made by One Step Ahead? It's only sold online so I'm not able to test it out at a store. It's not t...


Sit to Stand Double Stroller

J.B. asks from Philadelphia

Hi Moms! I'm expecting my second son in March. The boys will be 2 years and 8 months apart. I am looking into double strollers for long trips, although I'm not sur...


Advice on "Sit 'N Stand" Style Strollers

L.B. asks from Gainesville

I have a 10 month old and 3 year old, so I've recently started shopping around for a Sit 'N Stand style stroller because my oldest is getting too big to sit in a norm...


The Inside Scoop on Sit N Stand Strollers

S.G. asks from St. Louis

I have an almost 3 year old and another baby on the way. I have heard a lot about sit n stand strollers and am interested in purchasing one for our family. Does any o...


Sit and Stand Stroller

C.W. asks from Dallas

I am pregnant and have a 3 1/3 year old. I would love feed back on sit and stand strollers. Does anyone have a favorite that you would recommended? I would like to...


Need Opinion on a Sit and Stand Stroller

J. asks from Chicago

Ok ladies (and gentlemans)... I need your advice on whether or not to buy a sit and stand stroller. I have a 2 1/2 year old independent daughter who wants to walk e...