Naps: Teddy Bears

Results 21-30 from 98 articles

Need Suggestions to Help Get Son to Sleep in His Crib.

T.L. asks from Dallas

My son who is almost 5 weeks old has slept in bed with me and my husband since we brought him home. At his one month check-up his doctor said now is the time to get h...


Handling My Daughter's Feelings When I Am Just Learning to Handle My Own.

J.B. asks from Chicago

Hi mamma's. - The last few weeks, my just 4 yr. old daughter has been fighting certain things that she does like such as taking a nap ( that is the biggest one) or ...


Moving from Crib to Twin Bed

L.F. asks from Dallas

Hi Mamas, My DD just turned 2 and we decided it was time for a big girl bed. So, last night we moved the crib out ans set up the twin size bed. At first she was ...


How Big Is Too Big

M. asks from Houston

My mother says I'm being mean so I thought I would ask. When is a little one too big or too old to be sleeping on mamma? My mother insist that her kids (4 of us) sl...


Sleeping Issues-1 Week Old

M.B. asks from Nashville

Ok, I have a 1 week old baby girl who seems to be a genius already, HA. She sleeps most of the day which I know newborns do most of the time & then she will wake up ...


Behavior/Separation Anxiety

B.G. asks from Los Angeles

I am a school teacher and was able to take a year off work...then couldn't find a job after moving so I have been serving tables at night. I finally landed a part tim...



S.S. asks from Dover

I have a 4 month old who does not want to sleep during the day unless I am holding her. I can rock her to sleep and put her in her pack and play or in the crib and wi...


Transitioning Out of the Swaddle

C.M. asks from Houston

My baby boy is 6 months old. He has slept swaddled since he was born. He is a good sleeper with the swaddle on. He has given up his middle of the night feeding and we...


Toys in the Crib

S.S. asks from Sacramento

I have noticed some moms talking about their babies walking up and playing in their crib for a bit. I was wondering what kind of toys the babies are playing with? W...


Crib Toy/mobile for 11 Month Old

S.L. asks from Spartanburg

My son, who is 10 1/2 months old, has just entered into that first brutal separation anxiety phase. He has stopped being able to put himself back to sleep when he wa...