Naps: Teddy Bears

Results 31-40 from 98 articles

Waking up in the Night - Sisters.

K.W. asks from Bangor

My youngest daughter has slept through the night since she was 2 weeks old. Just recently (about a month ago), she has started waking up in the night, either on her ...


3 Year Old Sleep Issues

K.R. asks from New York

Help! My 3 year old wakes up crying every night somewhere between 3 and 5 am and won't go back to sleep. I have a 2 month old, so there have been a lot of changes in...


Wakes Every Two Hours

K.H. asks from San Antonio

Hi moms! I've recently posted on here about troubles I've had with breastfeeding my daughter but I'd also like to get your advice about some sleep issues. My girl h...


2 1/2 Year Old Will Only Potty Naked

B.C. asks from Dallas

I used the 3 day potty training and it worked, but only in the house. She will feel the urge to go, and just go potty in the toilet if she's naked, but if she has pan...


Birthday Party Dilema!!!!!!!!!!!!!

D.C. asks from Augusta

Okay so my husband just joined the Army last Feb. and we will be at our new duty station (Hawaii) on my daughters first birthday! And we are really close to our famil...


When to Start Sleep Training in a Conflicted, Separating Household?

C.M. asks from Miami

My son is 7 months old and absolutely refuses to go to sleep without me. He screams when in his crib. Not only, does he want to be in bed with me but also cuddled clo...



R.P. asks from Seattle

My daughter is 7 months old and numerous people have asked what her lovey is. Well she doesn't have one. My hubby is a stay at home dad she doesn't go to anyone hou...


Need Evening Indoor Activities for 2-Yr. Old Not Always Interested in Toys

L.C. asks from Seattle

A little background: I teach 9th grade English full time at a fairly demanding Eastside junior high. I am fortunate to get about a half-hour to an hour of "down tim...


Tried CIO with 3 Month Old, but Couldn't Handle It. Did I Damage My Child?

A.B. asks from Los Angeles

I'm probably going to sound pathetic... But here it goes. My 3 month old baby girl only sleeps in my arms during the day, I've tried many different things to have he...


Travel Bed for a Toddler

S.B. asks from Dallas

So here's my situation - we went to see the inlaws this weekend and my 22 month old son is now as long as the pack-n-play - so there was not much sleep going on for a...