Liquids: Neocate

Results 11-20 from 346 articles

Where Can I Get Neocate Without Taking Out a Loan???

K.D. asks from Dallas

ok, my DS has a few baby issues we are working on, now our specialists has informed me we need to start using Neocate Infant formula. For those of you who are SAH you...


Multiple Allergy Baby Does Not Seem to Tolerate Neocate

M.H. asks from Tampa

Hello there, my 7 month old daughter is still breastfeeding and eating some solids. She has multiple food allergies/intolerances and my diet has been seriously restr...


What's a Good Milk Substitute?

C.B. asks from Los Angeles

Hi. I have a nursing 16 month old toddler who is able to feed himself table food (pasta, rice, soup, etc.), but gags on any milk. I am desperate to wean him from my b...


Next Step with Milk Allergy

K.D. asks from Boston

Hey ladies I belive I may be adicted to Mamasource. I love you guys :) Ok back to the question. My son has multiple severe protien allergys(Milk,Soy,Nut,Egg) He ha...


Milk Allergy

S.G. asks from Chicago

My son has a severe milk allergy. He is currently 10 months old on Elecare. What kind of "milk" do I give him when he turns 1? Also, what about his birthday cake :(


Is Goat's Milk Better for a Cow's Milk Sensitive Toddler?

J.M. asks from Miami

Hi Moms, My 27-month-old toddler is sensitive to cow's milk and gets eczema and diarrhea when he consumes it. I'm desperate to get him off of Neocate, a speciall...


Food Suggestions for Possible Milk Allergy

L.M. asks from Los Angeles

My son just turned 11 months old. I March I transitioned him from breastmilk to a milk based formula. At this time is started to develop a rash but I did not link i...


Milk Allergy - Intolerance

L.E. asks from Philadelphia

How do you know if baby is allergic to milk or intolerant - has been on Nutrimigen since birth b/c of stool issues.


How Much Milk Do Your Kids Drink

L.A. asks from Boston

I have two boys ages 1 and 3.5 years old. I am serious when I say that we are almost going through a gallon a day. Is that crazy or normal. We have tried to reduce...


Milk Allergy, Acid Reflux or WHAT???

J.L. asks from Charlotte

I daughter is 6 1/2 weeks old and is having issues with feeding. Symptoms: Spitting up - a lot now that on Nutramigen, before it was occasional. Diarrhea - for a...