Home Remedies: Safeway

Results 11-20 from 79 articles

Anyone Have Luck with Homeopathic Treatment for Allergies?

D.S. asks from Tucson

My son has terrible allergies, especially right now with the wind and blooming trees. His allergist had him on 3 medications at one point and it really didn't help. ...


Seeking Advice on Treating Excema for Toddler

K. asks from Denver

My son has had excema since he was a baby and he is now 32 months and still has some very bad flare-ups which he'll scratch and make into open sores. Then when I use...


Diaper Rash! What Do You Do When Desitin Doesn't Work?

K.R. asks from Chicago

Do you have any remedy recommendations for a nasty diaper rash? The skin is broken in the size of a quarter on one little butt cheek, pink everywhere else. My 20 mo...


Stain Remover

C.O. asks from Los Angeles

Can anyone recommend a good stain remover for clothing? I like the tide stick for small stains, for me, it doesn't work so well on larger stains. My daughter is still...


Does Anyone Know How to Get the Smell of Cat Urine Out of Carpet?

S.W. asks from Sacramento

Hi All: So we have this ferrel/wild cat that lives on our property. He/she lived here before we moved in and has been no trouble up until now. He/she got in the ho...


Opinion on Best Organic Brand of Soy Formula and Probiotic for 4 Month Old?

A.D. asks from Seattle

My son is just about 4 months old and is very gassy and he is constantly spitting up. He is lactose intolerant so right now I have him on the Similac Sensitve RS, for...


Newly Pregnant and Sooooo Nauseous. Please Help!

T.P. asks from San Francisco

Hello. I am 6 weeks pregnant with my second child and have such bad nausea and food aversions that I'm having trouble being at work and eating or drinking anything at...


PMS Making Me Feel CRAZY!!

A.D. asks from Portland

Is PMS worse after having children? Or, is it that I now need to deal with irrational children and feel even more crazy? I have noticed that every month before my p...


Teething 4 Month Old Baby- What Helped Your Babies the Best?

T.P. asks from Salinas

Hello everyone, I have a 4 month old baby girl who is starting to teeth. I know it might seem a little early but my oldest had 4 teeth by the time he was 4 months. I ...


Teething and Infant Tylenol

A.A. asks from San Francisco

My three-month baby boy is starting to teeth and I've tried numerous methods to calm him. It's mainly at the end of the day when he is frantically sucking/biting and ...