Hobbies: Miracle Blanket

Results 11-20 from 36 articles

When to Stop Swaddling??

J.S. asks from Washington DC

Hello Everyone - I have an 11 week old daughter who still needs to be swaddled to go to sleep. She is now getting so big it is becoming more difficult to effectively...


Transition from Swaddle Wrap to Sleep Sack!!

S.S. asks from Omaha

My daughter has liked her swaddle wrap since birth. She is now getting pretty active, & has learned how to kick out of her swaddle wrap. Today with naps & bedtime, ...



A.S. asks from Sacramento

I have a 5 month old daughter who has been swaddled since birth. The problem I am encountering is that she is growing and moving around much more, so she unswaddles h...



A. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms! I've been swaddling my 15 week old daughter at night and she sleeps BEAUTIFULLY. However, she is getting very big and no longer fits in the SwaddleMe wra...


Newborn Must-Haves?

❤.M. asks from Los Angeles

My friend just had a baby girl & am sending her some things. This is her first. I am trying to think of what items saved my life w/my newborn. I can only think o...


Most Useful New Infant Item You had...please share...especially Preemie Parents

N.B. asks from Minneapolis

So my SIL gave birth VERY early last week..at 30.5 weeks gestation. My niece weighed in at 2 lbs, 1 oz. She has done miraculously..no vent the whole time, no emergenc...


Gift for New Mom

M.W. asks from Indianapolis

My cousin and his 18yr old GF are expecing their first child in a couple weeks. I really want to get something useful, but supposedly they have everything the need fr...


Naps and Transition from Swaddles for 4 Month Olds

J.R. asks from New York

Our 4 month old twins are doing great at sleeping, often through the night (7:30 to 7 or so), occasionally getting up once (at 3 or 4 am). They've been doing this for...


What Lovey Do You Recommend for Baby?

S.K. asks from Dallas

I am trying to find a good lovey to introduce to my 4.5 month old. I also just posted about CIO too but this is another angle I'm trying. We desperately need a way ...


Any Baby Whisperer Fans Out There?

G.T. asks from Boston

Hi all. I am looking for moms who have used the ssshhh-pat method with their infants. I am using it with my 5 week old and she will not sleep more than 20 minutes at ...