Hobbies: Miracle Blanket

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16 answers

Bigger Swaddle Wraps?

My son is outgrowing his current swaddles (Kiddopotamus), and because he wriggles out of them in the middle of the night or during naps, he wakes up more frequently. Are there different sizes (length is mostly the issue--he's close to 24 inches), and if so, where do I buy them? I don't want to spend a ton of money and have already heard of The Miracle Blanket. If at all possible, I would love a shop conveniently located to the Bothell-Kirkland border. Thanks!


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4 answers

Newborn Care Book Recommendations

Hi Mamas! I am about to have my second baby and I was wondering if anyone had any book recommendations for sleep/calming etc. My first son was a horrible sleeper and I read a couple books about sleep, but nothing worked for him. It took him 14 months to sleep through the night. I only let him do minimal crying and I don't plan on letting my second son cry much either, especially since it might wake up my other son (who is now a fantastic sleeper). I know that my second son may turn out to be a better sleeper since siblings aren't always...