Disposable or Cloth: Infant, BumGenius

Results 1-10 from 310 articles

bumGenius And Other Cloth Diaper Options

L.B. asks from Dayton

I am interested in CDing my first baby, due in August. I have been thinking about the bumGenius one-size diapers but am not sure how many I will need for a typical da...


Bumgenius Cloth Diapers

K.R. asks from Denver

I use Bumgenius 4.0 diapers with my little guy. However, he has a diaper rash (I think because of teeth), and I was wondering if there was a diaper cream that will w...


bumGenius Cloth Diapers?

S.S. asks from Glens Falls

Has anyone used the bumGenius cloth diapers? Good or bad experiences? Any other brands you would recommend? (Preferably ones that do not require you to buy the flus...


Cloth Diapers Vs. Disposable?

A.W. asks from Seattle

I was wondering what you ladies thought of cloth diapers vs. disposables? I used Pampers with my first child and spent a fortune, especially the first several months...


Cloth Vs. Disposable

H.N. asks from Boise

Hubby and I are expecting our first bundle of joy in March. I'm looking online and finidng all sorts of info on why we should (or shouldn't) go disposable diapers as...


Cloth Diapers - BumGenius - New Born ?

J.K. asks from Philadelphia

Hello Ladies, I have a question for you regarding the BumGenius cloth diapers. Currnetly i use the BG3.0 on my DS (21ms). I LOVE this product. I am due in decem...


A Disposable Diaper Question

E.B. asks from San Francisco

We use cloth diapers for our 2 year old. She hasn't had a disposable on since we came home from the hospital. We have decided to use seventh generation diapers for ...


Bumgenius VS. Kushies

N.M. asks from Austin

If this has already been covered, my apologies. I have read several complete threads regarding cloth diapering recommendations, but can't read all of the threads. I a...


Which Cloth Diaper?

A.A. asks from Los Angeles

I am on a quest to start using cloth diapers. My daughter is 17 mos. and seems to have developed an allergy to disposable diapers. I've tried using 2 different brands...


Seeking Information About Environmental Impact of Cloth Vs. Disposable Diapers

S.T. asks from Minneapolis

I have heard that it is an environmental "wash" between cloth and disposable diapers when you take into account the water and products used by diaper cleaning service...