Disposable Diapers: Infant, Chicco

Results 31-40 from 117 articles

Light Stroller

G.B. asks from Phoenix

WE have our big Graco stroller, but now that she is a toddler, I was looking for something I can throw in the car easier. I want more than an umbrella stroller, some...


Looking for a Lightweight Stroller!!

K.H. asks from York

I am currently looking into buying a lightweight umbrella style stroller for my 10 month old daughter. I don't want to use my big stroller anymore. I have looked at...


I Can't Decide on Which Lightweight Stroller to Get...

H.J. asks from Dallas

By this point it's between two diferent ones. Either the Chicco Orion Liteway or the Combi Cosmo EX. Do any of you moms have these strollers? What do you like about t...


Strollers & Carseats

J.R. asks from Dallas

Hi, we are due for our first in four months. I'm starting to research strollers & carseats before we register. Right now the top contenders are a couple of the Graco...


Toy Recommendations for 1-Year Old

T.R. asks from Denver

My daughter is turning 1 in a few weeks and am wondering what the latest and greatest toys are for 1-2 year olds. Was thinking of a play kitchen so if anyone has one...


Air Travel Advice with a 3 Month Old

K.M. asks from Chicago

Hello. My husband and I will be flying to Florida next month with our 3 month old. I have a few questions about how to navigate through the airport and what to chec...


Stroller Advice for 2 Kids 3Yrs Apart

K.C. asks from Evansville

We are having our 2nd child (within a week of our son's 3rd birthday). I am torn on all the research I have done on a sit n stand (Joovy Ultralight $235 is my favori...


Need Recommendations for a LIGHTWEIGHT Stroller

P.M. asks from Dallas

Hello- My daughter just turned 3 and our stroller has many, many miles on it. Time for a new /newer one. I am traveling soon and I know I will need it. So any help...


Best Travel System?

A.U. asks from Detroit

I am expecting my 3rd baby girl in October and am in search of a new travel system. I used the same one for my 6 yr old and 19 month old, but the car seat is now exp...


Can I Get Away Without a Double Stroller in the Beginning?

R.L. asks from Dallas

So I am expecting baby boy #2 in April. Baby boy #1 will be 18 months old. We already have a Jeep side-by-side stroller to use when #2 is able to sit up. We checked o...