Disposable Diapers: BumGenius

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Your Favorite Reusable Potty Training Pants....

My 26 month old is showing great interest in potty training, and I'm just going to go with it. Drawback is anytime I put underwear on he potties right through them (obviously), any disposable pull ups are too much like a diaper and he doesn't 'use' the potty. I strip him naked and he so excited to use the big boy potty, and literally 'trying' every five minutes on his own. I think the cold air is making him slightly sensitive. So I was hoping there was some type of reusuable diaper that didn't have that crunchy vinyl waterproof stuff...

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49 answers

NEED Advice on Diaper Rashes!

My daughter is six months old and has her first diaper rash. It is not bumpy or anything, but is very red in her little butt crack. We have always used desitin original at every change, but she is still getting raw. This is the first time this has happened and since we already use a diaper cream what else can we do.