Career: Infant, Angel Care

Results 31-40 from 81 articles

6 Week Old Will Only Sleep on His Stomach!

K.E. asks from Tuscaloosa

I have a beautiful new 6 week old son. We have found that the only way he will truly sleep is on his stomach. I do not mind this at all since I am either watching him...


Know of Any Good Baby Monitors?

S.R. asks from Detroit

I have gone through 4 monitors and am at a loss as to what to try. I'm not sure if its strange coincidence or something I'm doing. Any suggestions? I am to the poi...


Baby Rolling onto Stomach While Asleep

M.R. asks from San Antonio

My 5 month old son has learned to roll over on his stomach and now he does it while he is asleep. So far as I can tell, whenever he has done so, he wakes up startled ...


Help!!!! Baby Keeps Rolling onto Stomach During Sleep!!

S.B. asks from San Francisco

Hi moms, i need your help again! Jayden is now 5 months old and can't stop rolling over! And over and over! I stay up half the night trying to keep him sleeping on h...


Tummy or Back

A.M. asks from Los Angeles

I am a first time mom of a 3 week old boy. He sleeps well, generally 2 1/2 hours to 3 hours at a time. He HATES sleeping in his bassinett at night, which my husband a...


Love the Swing, Hate the Swing

A.G. asks from Hartford

Hello! I'm a first time mom on maternity leave for now. I have a 4 week old precious little girl who loves her swing. After having many sleepless nights, we discover...


Thyroglossal Duct Cyst in 16Month Old Baby

S.S. asks from Duluth

Hi, we've noticed the last 4 weeks that my daughter has developed what looks like an adams apple. But it's round and a little soft and bobs up and down when she swal...


Breath Holding Spells in Crib

L.J. asks from Minneapolis

Hi there, My 8 month old daughter has been having frequent breath holding spells that lead to passing out if I don't intervene. She has just started having them in ...


Did You Break the Tummy Rule?

S.L. asks from St. Louis

My last question today I promise. I'm just sitting on my couch recovering from a bad delivery still so I was thinking of all these things. I know peditricians sa...


I Don't Care About Sleeping Through the Night... Just Go to Sleep 1St Please!

M.C. asks from Dallas

My 7 week old baby only likes to go to sleep on me. I'm so afraid that I am building a bad habit. I can put him in his crib once he is asleep. But, he has to reall...