Autism Spectrum: Toddler

Results 81-90 from 6,746 articles

14 Month Old Boy Not Talking Yet?

N.H. asks from San Diego

Hi moms, I have a beautiful 14 month old boy. Im worried his speach is delayed. He can say mama and dada but i dont think he knows I'm mama and his dad is dada. ...


21 Month Old Son Still Doesn't Speak

M.M. asks from Providence

I have a 21 month old son and a 5 yr old daughter. I've been told that because my daughter is older that my son won't speak for a while because "sister talks for him...


To Get a Flu Shot or Not for My 19 Month Old

M.B. asks from Washington DC

Hi everyone! My daughter is 19 months old and we go for her 18 month check up on Monday. I know the question is going to be posed on whether or not to give her a f...


13 Month Old Doesn't Talk Much

C.G. asks from Buffalo

Hi, Being a first time I am getting concerned about the speech of my nearly 13 month old boy. He had uttered around 5 words when he was 10 months old and then stop...


Development of a 21 Month Old

K.O. asks from Casper

Hi, My son is 21 months old and still hardly talk at all. I have heard him say about 15 different words and thats it and he hardly ever says those even. I know he un...


My 21 Month Old Son

J.N. asks from Davenport

my son is gonna be 2 in oct he hasnt began talking much and grunts for everything his behavior is sooo terrible he thows big fits what should we do when he does this ...


17 Month Old Still Not Speaking

S.G. asks from Richmond

My 17 month daughter is still not speaking...she babbles off and on throughout the day - but does not talk. Any suggestions?


Gluten Free/Casein Free Diet (GFCF Diet) for Children with Autism

S.C. asks from Tampa

Hello everyone! This is my first post and I am hoping to get some guidance. My son is 23 months old and is currently in speech, feeding, and occupational therapy. ...


Need Serious Advice on Vaccinations for My 12 Month Old

K.L. asks from Reno

My son is due for his 12 month well check, wherein he is supposed to receive his MMR and Varicella vaccinations. I am freaking out because of all that I've read abou...


18 Month Old Not Talking Yet

T.A. asks from Los Angeles

My 18 month old son has not really developed any vocabulary yet. He says a few words, but not regularly (except for "no"). And it sounds like he's saying whole sent...