Antibiotics: Lotrimin

Results 71-80 from 153 articles

Bad Diaper Rash in 1 Yr Old!

C.W. asks from Redding

My baby girl who just turned 1 has a TERRIBLE diaper rash, it started yesterday and has just escalated rapidly. The only thing I can think is: I started mixing some "...


Recurring Diaper Rash

J.J. asks from San Angelo

My daughter just turned 1 and has had a recurring diaper rash for the last 1-2 months. She did just cut a front tooth, and has a second on the way, but I'm not sure ...


REALLY Bad Diaper Rash After Taking Amoxicillan

L.N. asks from Dallas

My DD of 5 1/2 months has a relly bad rash that seems to be painful when she goes number 1 or number 2. I have been using Aveeno and that has worked well in the past ...


16 Month Old with Yucky Diahrea

D.W. asks from Denver

My 16 month old has been having diahrea for the last 2-3 weeks. We've taken him into the Dr.'s, but they just told my boy friend and I that since he is well hydrated...


Diaper Rash

B.Z. asks from Chicago

alright mommies, my daughter is 13 months old and is on Augmentin for a double ear infection (the amox. didnt work) its making her have alot of bm's and now she has a...


Severe Diaper Rash During Flu

K.R. asks from Boise

My son who is 15 months old has had the flu for about 4 or 5 days now and has awful and I mean really awful diaper rash from all the diarrea he has had. What can I d...


Severe Diaper Rash Help

M.V. asks from Philadelphia

My 10 month old was on antibiotics which we completed 9 days ago and she still has diareah (forgive the spelling) but worse off she has what seems to be an incurable ...


Horrible Diaper Rash

S.F. asks from Minneapolis

my 9 month old developed a yeast infection resulting in a horrible diaper rash ....i went to the dr last night and he gave Travocort cream to be used twice a day . it...


Son Has Thrush 5Mos. Old

A.T. asks from Dallas

Hello, Does anyone out there know what to do about thrush?? My 5 month old son has a bad case of it in his mouth. Should i take him to the dr? It is really seeming ...


Bleeding Sores on Baby's Bottom

M.R. asks from Cleveland

I have a 10 month old daughter (I never had this problem with my son, who is now 3). She had a diaper rash that turned into these sores. They are not blisters (so i'm...