Severe Diaper Rash During Flu

Updated on March 28, 2008
K.R. asks from Mountain Home AFB, ID
167 answers

My son who is 15 months old has had the flu for about 4 or 5 days now and has awful and I mean really awful diaper rash from all the diarrea he has had. What can I do to help clear it up and make it less painful. I am using just a spray bottle of warm water and paper towels to clean his bottom & was putting on generic Desitin but that doesn't seem to be helping. Any advice would be appreciate as we are both miserable and the doctor can't see us until next week.

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So What Happened?

Thanks everyone for all the great tips !! So appreciate :) I mixed the mylanta and all I had was vaseline (next time I would use aquaphor I think) and microwaved for a few to get it to melt and mix better... let it cool and it was a tremendous help. Now it is cleared up quite a bit and it looks like a yeast infection now so I am going to get some Lotrimin or something like that to clear that up. Thanks you guys !! I love mamasource :)

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answers from Denver on

K. - I have had more than my fair share of kids with diaper rashes (I have four kiddo's) and the things that seem to work best are a little pricey, but SO WORTH IT!!! The cream that I get that works WONDERS is a cream that you can get at just about any Wallgreens or CVS store - it's called TRIPPLE PASTE MEDICATED OINTMENT - it treats AND prevents problem diaper rash. I usually only use it when the kids start getting a diaper rash, but I discovered it when my littlest one was on antibiotics for an upper respiratory infection, and we all know how much terrible diahrea the antibiotics cause! Anyway - this paste is AMAZING and it works wonders... you'll start to see an improvement in just a few hours... and by the following day you'll see it almost disappear - no matter how terrible the rash is! It's worth giving it a shot! Good luck :)

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Boise on

My daughter is almost 3 in May and my sister recommended Triple Paste cream when she was just a baby. She has only had 1 really bad rash and the triple paste cleared it up in 2 days. It is really thick and creamy and seems to work really well. Hope it works for you. You can find it at any store where they have Desitin.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Denver on

My daughter had really bad diaper rash as well. My doctor told me to use 3 different things in layers: 1st put Bactroban Cream (you can get this from your doctor), 2nd put Lotrimen AF (not sure if I spelled that right?'s foot cream) 3rd put on Johnson and Johnson 3 in 1 diaper rash cream. It clears up really quick!!!

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answers from Pueblo on

Make a runny paste with malox (or mylanta)and corn starch. You don't want it to be too runny, but a little is good b/c you don't have to rub too hard to spread it around. Also top it off with straight corn starch (I bought a powder shaker from walmart, the holes are big enough to let the powder come through). Corn starch is a good healer. If you have a blow dryer that can blow cool air, blow dry your sons bottom before applying the medication. Sometimes a different brand of diaper can help too. Something else that I do is rotate medications. Different rash meds seem to work better on different rashes. Sometimes you just have to go by trial and error to find the right one and it may not work on the next one.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Denver on

Go get Maalox and Aqua Phor cream. Then mix equal parts (less on the maalox really) in the microwave just for a few seconds, let it cool. This is MIRACLE CREAM! The maalox takes the burn out and keeps his rear protected and the aqua phor soothes and his skin. You can store it in a small bottle or plastic container! My Pediatrician gave me this recipe for my daughter. It worked wonders!

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answers from Denver on

when my son had a diaper rash and desitin didnt work my doctor recommended "triple paste". I've seen at target and babies r us, or your pharmacist can order it for you. It cleared his rash up within a day or so. It is about 10.00 or so. I hope this helps your son.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Boise on

Desitin has always worked for my kids but when i'm out good old fashioned cornstarch powder worked wonders. Sprinkled on or made into a paste with warm water. To help prevent recurring diaper rash i've always wiped them using unscented baby wipes and dusted them with baby powder that has cornstarch in it after every diaper change. My daughter has done the same with her kids. Hasn't failed us yet.

With your son having the flu I'd delute all juices you give him with equal parts water. The acidity in it could also be making the diaper rash alot worse.

To you and your husband...Thank You for all the sacrifices you're making for us all. I pray he and all our troops will come home soon. God Bless you all.



answers from Denver on

We use Gentle Naturals Eczema cream. It's a better deterent than healer for diaper rash, but it would probably work better with Maalox than Aquaphor. Our kids always screamed with the Aquaphor. I hope he gets to feeling better soon!



answers from Denver on

Dr. Smith's diaper ointment...should be able to get it at Target. It is in a round, white tub with a screw on lid. Works better than anything I've ever tried. Also, Nystatin is a prescription that also can knock it out in a day or two.



answers from Denver on

We live in Colorado where it is dry. Every summer we go east to the shore and when my boys were in diapers they would get HORRIBLE diaper rash from the humidity.

My nurse practitioner sister-in-law recommended the lotrimin cream and it worked like a charm!



answers from Denver on

When my son had a severe diaper rash, my doctor recommended using a mixture of egaul parts Aquaphor and Maalox until the mixture wouldn't take anymore fluid. It worked like magic on my son and cleared up his rash in under 24 hours. Aquaphor can be a little pricey but you only have to use about 2 tbsp of that and the Maalox and it keeps very well. This is my miracle cream for my son. I hipe it helps!



answers from Boston on

My son had an episode of diaper rash so bad that he literally looked as though he had been beaten with a belt on his bare bottom, that's how bad the welts were, and just going to the bathroom was excruciating. What I suggest to you is putting him in the bath every few times he needs a diaper change, and also using vaseline on toilet paper or a kleenex to wipe his bottom. It will help a lot and provide some protection. Desitin usually worked, but did not during that awful time. Good luck. Also, tylenol will help with the pain.



answers from Colorado Springs on

I used "Butt Paste". Loved it and it cleared my boys up in a day or so, depending on the severity. It is real gentle. You can get it at Walmart in the baby section. Good luck!



answers from Provo on

Hi K., I am a ggrandma and have used White's (brand name) Vitamin A and D ointment for my kids and all the way down to the very newest ggrandson. It works wonders and your baby will love you as their bottom won't hurt any more. Please don't use paper towels on your baby as they are way too rough for their tender bottoms. Even tp is better for them. You can get the ointment at any grocery store or pharmacy and it comes in a tube. I hope this helps for you as it always has for me and my kids and their kids and their kids. <smile> G. R



answers from Denver on

Hi K.,
My youngest daughter would get diaper rash bad. My cousin gave me the advice of mixing vaseline with cornstarch. Mix it into a thick paste and apply it to the skin. I know it sounds strange, but it worked for me. You have to be consistent with it. I hope this helps.



answers from Denver on

try petroleum jelly, it's rather benign, the white creams are painfull on a rash at first but they protect for the next movement. keep up the hydration and good luck...



answers from Salt Lake City on

My girls used to get really bad bum rashes to where they would get bleeding blisters. I don't remember where I heard this but it works like a charm and I never used any of that expensive bum cream again. I used corn starch. It helps cool and the blisters were usually gone with in a day or two. Good luck too you!



answers from Cincinnati on

My daughter gets severe diaper rash too, the Dr. told us to use A&D ointment. If it's really bad though I would see about getting an emergency appnt. somehow. One time my daughters diaper rash was so bad that she was cracked and bleeding. The Dr. took one look at it and knew she had strep throat. He took a culture and it came back positive. I would have never thought strep could show up in diaper rash.
If it's a yeast infection (you see little red bumps) I would get a prescription for Nystatin Ointment, it's different than the cream, it stays put better. Good luck!



answers from Denver on

My Grandmother and mother, swore by Corn Starch (instead of baby powder)... Can't hurt, might help, who knows? Good luck.



answers from Grand Junction on

My daugther was that way without being sick. The only thing I would do different is just use nursery jelly. I would keep paper towels already wet in a zip lock bag when I went out places. that way you don't have to worry with the pray bottle. Let them play without a diaper on or use a cloth diaper. the disposible ones have irritants some times.



answers from Denver on

I found that Bag Balm (square green metal can, you can get at the grocery store)worked the best for my daughter. It helped her poor bottem heal faster.



answers from Washington DC on

This will sound crazy but mylanta (antacid) really does the trick. Just pour a little on his bottom after a diaper change and you will see quick results usually also. My sister told me this and I thought she was crazy, but it worked. Generic brands also work. Not something I have ever keep on hand, but I do now for diaper rash.



answers from Boise on

Warm baths and when the diarrea is over let him go diaper free on a towel or blanket on the floor as much as possible without any diaper cream on his bum. Also try using a wash cloth (you can get a cheap dozen at target and probably other places) or cloth diapers as wipes if you got a pack in the back of a closet somewhere. Hang in there. I was in the same situation with my 15 month old being sick and my husband being deployed it is not fun.



answers from Denver on


My son also had pretty bad diaper rash as a baby. I swear by this..Use Lotramin (clotrimazole cream) which is for athlete's foot, it TOTALLY relieves the burning and then on top of that put the desitin. You should see a difference by the morning! Let me know.




answers from Denver on

We use Aquafor in the lotion isle it is like Vaseline and Malox. Mix together to make a paste and place that on his bottom. The Malox takes away the sting and effects of the acid in his diaper. Thats what we use and it works GREAT!! Good luck



answers from Salt Lake City on

We used Butt Paste with my son when he was younger. At times, I also would sprinkle a little cornstarch. Both seemed to help. That is an awful thing for a little one. Good luck.



answers from Salt Lake City on


I know the twin girls can get pretty bad diaper rashes as well. desitin didn't work from day 1. we have tried everything. the one that works for them is Triple-paste, or 1-2-3 cream (same thing). it's the best. i work at a children's hospital and this is what we used for chemotherapy butt rash and it's now available over the counter. we have also tried Boudreaux's Butt Paste (sometimes this one works, sometimes not, but it does have a pleasant smell). both of these you can find at target. we also tried Arbonne baby care diaper cream (all natural ingredients). you have to get this through a representative who sells it or you can try online at( i was also told to try Bag Balm (cow udder cream) from a few different sources but it made my girls worse. i found this at costco.
Other suggestions i would try (this is what we do at my work), try wipes that don't have alcohol in them. i know you are using paper towels, but they can be pretty rough on an already rough bum. even kleenex might be less rough. if you have a first aid kit, try using wet gauze pads. When wiping, don't actually wipe, just dab away wetness. If your baby is poopy, dab away, you don't have to get his butt completely rid of old rash cream, it is okay to leave it on as long as it is cleared of poop. i hope this helps. oh, and about making it less painful, i don't think there is a whole lot you can do, except maybe some tylenol for pain prior to changing him, but i wouldn't rely on this. anyway, good luck and hope it helps.



answers from Salt Lake City on

This sounds exactly like what our baby had. His scabbed over and was really horrible. We went to the Dr. and he actually had a yeast infection. So he prescribed some nystatin anti-fungal cream and we put that on his bottom and it cleared right up.



answers from Denver on

I know it sounds awful, but let him run around with out any diapers on. The air will help to clear up the diaper rash. Sometimes you can tell when they are about ready to go to the bathroom and then you can grab them and at least get them over some tile. If that is too much for you, let him sleep without diapers. Just load up lots of towels in his bed. If you wake up during the night you can just remove one of the towels and his bed will be dry again. The more that you can keep a diaper off the faster the rash will heal. You can also try putting Lotrimin on 3-4 times a day underneath his usual diaper rash cream. You may want to experiment with different creams too. My daughter uses a different cream than my son. The regular desitin doesn't work at all on her so I have to get her Palmer's Bottom Butter from Walgreens.

Also, don't clean with the spray bottle unless he's had a bm. I would just wet a paper towel or soft wash cloth and dab gently if he has only urinated. Finally, give him some tylenol or motrin (if he can keep it down). It will help with the pain and hopefully make him a little more comfortable.



answers from Los Angeles on

My sons skin was so sensitive that desitin made him scream in pain when I tried it. What worked for us was letting him have some naked time to let his skin air our a little and then coating him with Vasaline and then topping that off with baby powder (the cornstarch kind)... good luck and thanks to you and your husband for the sacrifices you both make to serve our country!



answers from Denver on

Yeah, I was also going to say Aquafor. We use that for everything! I'd never heard of mixing it with anything, but I'll give that a try the next time any of my kids has a rash.



answers from Provo on

You have the right idea not wanting to use the wipes, because they contain alcohol, which burns, and makes it worse. However, I think the paper towel may be a little rough. My Mother in law was alway's telling me to use a soft wash cloth, but I think that's disgusting unless you want to throw away the wash cloth after! The greatest thing I've found for wiping is to just take a few baby wipes and rinse the alcohol out of them with warm water. Then you get the best of both worlds! As far as a cream to use, I have found nothing better than Aquaphor, by Eucerin. It resembles vaseline, but is apparently more breathable. It's in the lotion section, and is for extra dry skin, and burns, which is exactly what a diaper rash is (a burn). I like the fact that it sticks to the rash. Have you noticed that when the rash is bad, the desatin or what ever kinda melts off the rash and won't stick? This will cover it! I've also heard rave reviews about Bordeax's butt paste, but haven't tried it. One last suggestion, if you're baby is willing to try, is to put his butt in some sunlight a few times a day. Just find a sunny spot in front of a window to lay him in for 10 minutes or so. That was a miracle suggestion for me when my daughter was born and came home from the hospital with a bleeding diaper rash. hope this helps!



answers from Casper on

My husband and I really like butt paste. I am not real sure who makes it, but it is the best stuff we ever used. You can find it pretty much anywhere, with the diaper stuff. My son was really sick as well and this was the only stuff we found to work. Also when giving him a bath put some baking soda in the water, and this nutralizes the water so it's not so harsh on his little skin.



answers from Denver on

I would suggest trying to talk to the nurse at your Pediatrician's for diaper rash suggestions. I would also buy some washclothes and use those rather than paper towels to clean it up. I never had to deal with super bad rashes but I know on there have been some great suggestions for diaper rashes. I'd suggest searching the archives at and searching for BoulderRockNMoms.



answers from Grand Junction on

We have ALWAYS used A&D ointment and you find in the box in the grocery store. We have three kids and ALL of them have at one time or another had a bad diaper rash. This has ALWAYS worked...and it's inexpensive...unlike all of the other fancy creams and ointments out there!! Try it - you'll be amazed! Good luck!!



answers from Missoula on

The exact thing happened to me and what worked best was petroleum jelly and cornstarch. It seemed as if the rash creams irritated the diaper rash even more. I hope it helps and he feels some relief.



answers from Denver on

Hi, K.,

I've tried a bunch of the remedies listed below, and so far the best for our acid/diarrhea diaper rashes has been the Maalox or Mylanta mixed with Aquaphor - neither works as well on it's own, but the Maalox neutralizes the acid and the Aquaphor is great for every kind of skin problem (even Cradle Cap). It's more expensive, but it also works better for healing than Vaseline. You will probably see relief immediately with this. And, I've also used Vanicream instead of the Aquaphor when I was out of the Aquaphor. Also, as much air time without diapers - and washing him off with water like you are doing is good - I would just put them in the sink and pour warm water over them with this kind of rash to minimize the rubbing on the skin. And soak in the bath with some baking soda for 20 minutes, then coat with the cream. Hope your little guy feels better soon! Also, are you doing a mild diet for him of easy to digest foods? That will help the diarrhea resolve. Our Dr. always said BRAT diet with diarrhea - bananas, rice (white), apples, toast (white bread). All the refined stuff that's easy on the tummy. Also cut down on milk for now too, that helps.



answers from Great Falls on

Hi K.,

If you can, let the little guy be naked as much as possible. Fresh air would be really good for the rash. Can you block him into an area that has a hard floor for a few hours each day?

It's been a while since my five were little ones, so I'm having a hard time remembering what else I did, but I know this works well. :)

I would not use vaseline, since it's a petroleum product. :) I wouldn't put anything on a tender kiester that is from the same source as gasoline.



answers from Great Falls on

Try bag balm--should be by other lotions. It works!



answers from Provo on

After using water to clean it up, let it dry (I've even used a blow dryer) then put Lansinoh (or any kind of lanolin ointment you use on your nipples when you are breast feeding). It is the best barrier you can use to let that rash heal. I've even used it when my son's bottom had open sores from a terrible diaper rash. I also put desitin on over the Lansinoh. I hope this works for you.



answers from Salt Lake City on

This advise came to me from another mom after I'd tried everything under the sun, and it WORKED! Use a warm washcloth for diaper changes (or the spray bottle you are using) and use a hair dryer to dry his bum completely (Kinda strange but my little guy actually liked it). Then put on your finger a ribbon of hydrcortizone cream and a ribbon of neosporin or some type of antibiotic ointment. Rub into skin as best as you can or as best as they'll allow. You she see results fairly quick, maybe even after a couple of changes. P.S. I did ok the hydrocortizone with my doctor.



answers from Provo on

bag balm. it is in a green can it is the most awesome stuf ever. it is the only thing i have found that works for my kids. it sometimes clears it up in one day.



answers from Denver on

Hello....although my kids are grown I still recommend this for ANY diaper rash.......Aveeno oatmeal can by this at any store....And you can use "bag balm"....which is used in veterinary medicine for numerous skin irritations....totally safe for it at vet offices or feed stores.....Believe me IT WORKS!!!!!!



answers from Denver on

get ORIGINAL DESITIN, not creamy, not generic, not any other brand of diaper rash cream and put a ton of it on, it works like nothing else! good luck!



answers from Salt Lake City on

My baby has struggled with yeast quite frequently at first, and other diaper rashes. I found the best thing for her was to bath her and wash her well, then let her "air out" for about an hour-two hours a day. I would create a zone where she could play on a matt without a diaper on so if she went to the bathroom I could quickly and easily clean it up. Honestly this was the fastest way to help her poor sore bum get better. I then would cake on Desitin every time I changed her. This method helped her to almost completely clear up after only 3 days of "air outs". Sometimes only one day if it wasn't too bad, Now if I even start to see anything, I preventatively do an "air out session for like 30 minutes or so. And Honestly, she has only had an accident 2 times while doing these.



answers from Boise on

Try leaving his bottom uncovered as much as possible, and even holding him in the sunshine for a while. If the rash has little sores that break open it could be a yeast rash which usually requires treatment with an anti-yeast cream. If this is the case, you could ask a pharmacist or call and ask your Dr. office what they would recommend putting on it. Good luck!



answers from Grand Junction on

HI there-

In response to your sticky issue(smile)
Air it out, alot.
Callendula cream from the health food store works very well.
Also dilluted Tea Tree Oil cream will heal the infection get that at the health food store too, both creams about $15 total.
Air Air Air and Tylenol for the pain.

Good luck-



answers from Denver on

Hi K.,
My son gets really bad diaper rashes a lot...especially when he's teething so I really feel your pain (and your son's...poor little guy). A lot of air to his bottom will help...I know it's hard having him run around without a diaper but it really does help. A nice warm sits bath helps too. Also, we mix Aquaphor and Malox together to make a paste and put it on his bottom. We've done this for the past year and a half and it works great. I slather it on all over his bottom at night after a sits bath and airing out his bottom. Our doctor recommended the Aquaphor/Malox thing and we love it.



answers from Salt Lake City on

I always like using the Aveeno brand diaper ointment. It is very thick and really sticks to the skin. The cheaper ones seem to rub off onto the diaper. And to make it stay on even more and dry up the area around his bottom, use talcom powder on top of the ointment. My daughter has recovered from severe diaper rash within 2 days when I have religiously used this routine.



answers from Denver on

Try Boudreaoux's Butt Paste. You can find it at Walmart in the Baby aisle.



answers from Boise on

hi, i have a 2 year old that get the same thing when he gets sick. The only thing that I can do, and I have asked the doctor for something with no prevail, is use the desitin and make sure that I have him right by me so that as soon as he goes I can change him. Instead of papertowels, I use the baby washcloths that are sitting in my drawer. They seem to be softer and less harsh on his poor little bum. Also, if he will let you do it, the bath tub seems to help. My boy spends his life in the tub when he has a diaper rash. Depending on the rash, it is a little hard on him getting in but once he is in, it really helps. Anyways, sorry not much help but hopefully he gets better soon.



answers from Salt Lake City on

Aquaphor is great for diaper rash and you can get it at any store. Walmart carries it. It is an ointment for burns and is fabulous for diaper rash. Good Luck. R.



answers from Denver on

Hello, I feel your pain! My son would get diaper rash so bad it would bleed. I have two things that worked wonders for me.
1. Calmoseptine oinment call your local pharmacy to see if they carry it. King Soopers is the cheapest. Apply it thick especialy before bed!
2. Put him in a warm tub with apple cider vinegar, about 3-4 cups. It sounded very strange when our ped recommended it, (to me it sounded painful), but it really works. Just let him soak in it for a while!
Just my 2 cents:-) hopefully it will work for you!



answers from Salt Lake City on

I've have tried everything and the absolute BEST thing that I have found is called Triple Paste. It works so well, you can even tell a difference in the diaper rash after you use it only once. Triple Paste is the best for clearing up diaper rash and Bag Balm works the best for diaper rash prevention. There are those times when you can prevent all you want and they still get it~ex. airplane ride, the flu, on antibotics, etc. Or even try bathing w Cetaphil lotion. That is what I use for my daughnter's sensitive skin. Good luck!



answers from Pocatello on

My babies would get horrible diaper rash. Desitin, A&D, Balmex and Butt Paste worked ok if the skin wasn't broken and bleeding. But the poor things screamed in pain if I got anywhere near them with anything but Vaseline mixed 50/50 with cornstarch. It soothes and protects the skin and heals quickly.
And the Bratty diet. The sooner the runs are gone the faster he will heal.
Good Luck!
~J. J



answers from Colorado Springs on

My oldest son had that problem, and when desitin didn't work i went to the doctor and got a prescription strength diaper rash cream. the one i got was called Butt Balm and it worked great!



answers from Cheyenne on

I am sorry to hear about your little sweety being so sick. I am a new mom, but have been given a few suggestions from close family and friends on how to cure a diaper rash. One is from my aunt who had twin boys and one was born without a butt hole basically. When they were able to do the surgery and got all of his "plumbing" correct the poor little guy had some serious diaper rash. She used odorless garlic supplement pills in the 1000mg - you break open the pill and with a q-tip or cotton ball put some of the garlic on it and put it on the affected area. My next suggestion came from a nurse who had been in the NIC unit for many years and used this on her kids when they came down with the dreaded rash- I believe it was the liquid Maylox or Mylanta (I cannot remember) but you basically "paste" it on their bottoms and get out the blow dryer and blow it dry. Try and leave the little bottom out in the air as much as possible for this one. I hope that you find something that helps. Best of luck and let me know if one of these works for you!



answers from Houston on

Been there and have done the only thing that my mom told me would help....and it did. Every time they have a dirty diaper you take them to the sink or bath and wash with soap and water. The bacteria needs to be washed off each time. Then I did apply Desitin, but it was the washing EVERY time that did it. I have 5 children 9-2 years and this has always quickly worked. Oh, and get rid of the paper towel usage on a sore hiney. I gently used a clean washcloth to dry after the washing. Hope all is cleared up quickly!!! :)



answers from Salt Lake City on

Try some over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream. It can help reduce the inflammation.



answers from Denver on

My son is a cancer survivor - he had severe diaper rash during his treatment since he was still wearing diapers during his chemo. The nurses would always use a mixture of Aquaphor lotion and Maalox. Sounds odd, but it cleared him right up. Both are over-the-counter items. I think they used equal amounts of both.
Good luck!



answers from Salt Lake City on

I found that with twins and double diaper rash. That triple paste is the best,you can find it at smiths and IHC pharmacys and mc'kaydee hospital pharmacy have it to. As for the cost kinda pricey but good. and then use baby gold bond with it, also can find it at smiths use your fresh values card and make sure you have baby fresh values on your card so you can get a good price. And change the child's as much as you can when you find the child has poop.And still do what you are doing hope this will help.T. S.A.



answers from Denver on

Yogurt! The natural yeast cultures and acidopholis (sp?) in yogurt balance the body's bacteria out and help stop the diaper rash. It helps when they get diaper rash with antiboitics, also. My 14 mo old son reacts very well with just a small amount of yogurt with each meal.

Good luck!



answers from Denver on

It's been a while since my boys (3 and 5) have had diaper issues, but one thing that helped in the past was putting acidophilus powder on the rash. You can buy acidophilus capsules in the pharmacy section of most grocery stores, and you just open the capsules and sprinkle the powder on his bottom. Also, you can put the acidophilus powder in his cup/ bottle with milk, but I would recommend checking with your doctor first. Or, just feed him lots of yogurt!



answers from Salt Lake City on

My sons are now 8 and 11, and my oldest has food allergies and used to get terrible diaper rash. We found that Bag Balm was the best at clearing it up because it has a topical antibiotic! Good Luck!



answers from Provo on

My daughter had a terrible rash last year--some things I was suggested by Doctors are: Baking Soda baths between diapers, open air time (the fresh air really does help the skin heal--but I know well that you can't keep them that way very long...) Neosporin helps, but you have to use a barrier ointment with it(desitin etc). Not all "Desitin" products are created equal. You need one with the highest Zinc level you can get. Original Desitin--the really thick kind,has the most Zinc of any that I have looked at. I buy it in tubs. The dermatologist I saw said to put it on like you are frosting a cake--it most definately works better that way. Desitin Creamy does not have very much Zinc in it, and it doesn't stay put, so for a rash like the one you are dealing with, it isn't a good option--most other brands are the same way. Another product that works well is Calmoseptine. It doesn't require a prescription, but you do have to ask for it at the Pharmacy. Most keep it behind the desk. It comes in a green and white tube and it is a pink ointment. It has the zinc plus a soothing aspect--works well on a nasty rash. Another consideration is whether or not the rash is yeast related. IF you think it might be, an antifungal cream (like the kind for athletes foot) works as well as Nystatin. You can get the brand name (Lotrimin)or the generic(clotriminazole)--they work the same. I even had one doctor suggest to alternate medications each diaper (neosporin and desitin, then lotrimin and desitin the next, then calmoseptine and desitin, then back to the neosporin.) If pain is an issue (duh) and you want to do something to provide relief before you put the creams on, Dermoplast spray was very helpful for me. My daughter seemed to find relief with it, others might not...but it is one more thing to try. Finally, consider that the rash has gone bacterial. My daughter's had--but only my dermatologist caught it.If that is the case you will need antibiotics or antibiotic cream--but chances are the doctor will have you try a lot of these other things first, so if you go in to your appointment next week having already tried them all, you may get to an end solution faster. It is heartbreaking to know they are hurting so bad. My daughter would bleed everytime I tried to clean her little bottom. I hope this helps clear it up fast. Good luck to you both! C.



answers from Denver on

Hi K.-
I have a four-year-old daughter and a 10-month-old son. My mother-in-law is from Canada, and they make an amazing cream called Penaten. She brought it back for us once we started having children. It is the only cream that treats the worst of diaper rash. My pediatrician said that she has seen it on the east coast at specialty shops only. I would get on the Internet and google it to see if you can order it.
Good luck, and I hope your little one gets better soon.



answers from Salt Lake City on

K. - I've read through most of the responses and tried all but the Mylanta with my little girl when she was in diapers. None of it worked for me and I searched everywhere. A friend told me about Resinol. It is an OTC ointment and you can get it at any pharmacy. They might have to order it in. It is the best. The biggest thing is you need something to heal and protect. A&D and most creams don't really heal. This heals while protecting the area. I was reluctant because it is not a diaper cream but then I thought I've tried everything I can find so I gave it a shot and now I try and tell as many as I can because I was so thankful to find it. Best wishes!



answers from Provo on

The diaper cream that has worked wonders for us is called Butt Paste. We've tried several other kinds and none have worked as well.



answers from Provo on

Oatmeal also works well - sprinkle some in the bath, or make it really thin and gooey and spread it on when it cools.



answers from Great Falls on

Hey K.,
I have had very good luck with the Burt's bees diaper ointment for the rash. You could let him soak in warm water with a tablespoon or two of baking soda to see if that helps soothe or neutralize the rash. Also don't forget about the children's probiotics for restoring his tummy flora back to normal. My 7 month old went through a rough time with diarrea a few weeks ago and these remedies sure helped. I hope they help you too.
V. E



answers from Missoula on

K. I hope your little one is feeling better. I reccomend call your pediatrician as there is a prescription diaper rash cream that is amazing. I used it quite ofted and it really is affordable too. Good luck!



answers from Colorado Springs on

K.- My son who is now 5 had terrible diaper rashs when he was little. I finally got a diaper rash ointment through my pediatrician that has to be made at the pharmacy. I found out about this through my mom who is a pediatric nurse and swears by this stuff. You can get it a Walgreens. My tube says Cholestyramin 10% ointment if your doctor needs more info. Hope that helps and good luck!!
S.- mother of a 5 year old and 2 year old



answers from Pocatello on

Try some anti-fungal cream. A few months ago my son had some horrible diarrhea and was in a similar situation. It hurt him so bad. We tried all sorts of creams and the only one that worked was a foot anti-fugal cream. My doctor said it was safe too. And his rash was getting better in a couple hours. I hope your little guy gets better soon and you find something that works. Also give him baths with baking soda in the water. It helps as well. Good luck.



answers from Fort Collins on


A couple of things to try..check with local pharmacy for a topical ointment in a jar called Paladin. In the western states...King Soopers/Dillions/City Market carries this but you have to ask from it from the pharmist. The second thing is give the little one shaved apple. Sound odd but a RN told my mother about that 35 years ago when my oldest daughter was small and have a horrible case of the flu. Good luck to you and the little one.



answers from Cheyenne on

I used Desitin Creamy or Bag Balm.



answers from Salt Lake City on

Try letting it air dry. We call it naked time for the baby. Be sure to put something under baby just in case. Good Luck.



answers from Provo on

Every time my son gets sick he gets a diaper rash, so I really feel for you. He's had such bad diaper rashes that he can't sit down for several days at a time. It sounds like he has a bacterial infection that needs to be be treated with something more than Desitin. My doctor had me buy Clotrimazole Cream. You can find it in the section of the pharmacy that the athlete's foot medicines are in. It in a tube. My doctor had me put the clotrimazole on first and then a thin layer of diaper rash medicine. If this doesn't clear it up (and it may not), the doctor will have to prescribe a cream that will probably be clotrimazole with some other ingredient. If this doesn't work, you may have to have an antibiotic to clear it up, since babies can get strep infections that manifest in the form of a diaper rash. But this rash doesn't look like a normal diaper rash. You can find pictures online of what a strep infection looks like, just type something like "diaper rash strep infection" and a multitude of sites will pop up. Good luck! It's awful to have a baby in so much pain.



answers from Boise on

I have a 5 year old son and 16 year old daughter - and experienced the same with both. My remedy? have them soak in a warm tub as long as possible, gently pat dry and then use bag balm - I typically apply liberally - both my children have been soothed by this product. Also - I know this is risky business but I let them be without a diaper as much as possible. Be careful what you are giving them to drink also - no apple juice or anything that is acidic to eat or drink - if he has the stomach flu I am sure this is not an issue, lots of popsicles and crystal lite - Good luck!



answers from Denver on

You can try a paste of Milk of Magnesia and Desitin. It worked for my kids. The Milk of Magnesia really helps, not sure how but it really helps if there are sores because of the diarrea. Hope this helps and good luck.



answers from Salt Lake City on

Hi K.,

When my kids get the awful rash I do the following: 4-5 warm (not hot) baths during the day, air dry after every diaper change,use a clean cotton ball and dab on Maalox (I know sounds strange but it really works! the generic one works too) and let it air dry, then a diaper rash cream or Aquafor (Vasline with cholestorol my pediatrician calls it).

Good luck!
Kim O.



answers from Salt Lake City on

WOW, I Am a mom of 7 and have learned a great deal from your question, so thank you for asking it , but after you do what DEb K said to do and get rid of the burn and if the rash still persists, it may be a yeast, and you can use this fabulous stuff called "butt paste" I hate the name but I like it because it has boric acid in it and that kills yeast( boric acid is poison so keep it high and out of reach), if you don't want to use the adult yeast products like monestat I Hate using that on my little ones(Because the doc told me that the same poison in anti-freeze is in monestat). if we get a rash in my house it is usually followed or accompanied by a yeast. the miserable things. Hope you get through it well
and thanks everyone for the mylanta info, how wonderful.



answers from Denver on

My doctor came up with a great remedy for diaper rash. You mix equal parts Maloxx (acid reducer) and Aquaphor or Vaseline (regular or generic). It's really hard to combine these two ingredients so give yourself 5-10 minutes before his diaper. Rub it all over the infected area. The Maloxx soothes and takes away the acid that's causing the rash and the Vaseline lets it stick. Make sure to do this overnight and at all other diaper changes. Good luck!



answers from Provo on

The thing that helped the most when my daughter had severe diaper rash from really strong antibiotics after surgery was cornstarch. Every time I changed her diaper I would wash her bottom off in the sink, pat it dry, put on Desitin and then dump a bunch of cornstarch right on her bottom.(at least 1/4 cup) It absorbs the urine, it's messy but it works. you have to wash it off of course every time you change his diaper but it really helped. Good luck.



answers from Missoula on

Buy lotrimin and 1% hydrocorisone cream and combine them..skip the destin, it can be painful..and use a soft warm wet cloth..not paper towels. Put the mixed cream on several times a day but NOT every diaper change. You should see an improvement within a day or so..but if he's on meds, I'd continue to avoid it coming back or staying.



answers from Provo on

You could try browning some flour in a skillet untill it is brown. I used that on my little girl when she had a diaper rash and it worked really well. It kinda smells but works great. So you just put the flour in the skillet and I guess burn it, it turns brown. You could also just put him in the bath after each diaper and let his skin air out. That also helps . Good Luck



answers from Salt Lake City on

My kids would get severe diaper rash, too. I tried a few things. You could let him go "free" without his diaper (although if he has diarreah, that might not be too pleasant). You could sprinkle baby powder on his bottom. Or try A & D ointment. I know you can't see the doctor yet, but when you do, ask him for a prescription diaper rash ointment. That's what finally and completely helped my children. Good luck!



answers from Provo on

when you change him try using a warm blowdryer to dry of his but and then I wold still use a bum cream but add some cornstartch like baby powder to his but. The blow dryer helps dry out hte rash and the cornstartch wiil aabsobe the wetness and it helsp with the rash also. I hope this will help



answers from Great Falls on

have you tried using bag balm? It works well . The desitin I thinkjust seems to keep it moist and no healing . You can also use burnt flour . s.d.



answers from Colorado Springs on

Hi K.,

I know you've gotten tons of responses and I haven't read through them all, but just wanted to let you know that giving your child a bath in baking soda helps a lot with diaper rash! Poor little guy, hope it clears up soon. Also I noticed your husband is deployed, thanks to him for his service, I hope he returns soon! My husband just came back from being in Iraq for 14 mo. No fun that is for sure, and it's hard being home with the kiddo's by yourself especially when they are sick. Best of luck to you!



answers from Pocatello on

try baking soda in a warm bath. and cornstarch helps in the diaper. old fashoned remodies!!



answers from Denver on

Here is the weirdest, BEST thing that I have found for diaper rash. After you bath or change their diaper clean and dry them well and apply Mylanta. Yes, I said Mylanta (normally used for upset stomach to be taken orally) The bases behind it is that diaper rash is caused by all the stomach acid... well when it's applied to the little ones tush it does well. the same properties that help it inside or stomach help it on their tushes. My grandmother told me this and I have never used any store bought rash cream due to it working so well.

Hopefully you'll venture to give it a try.



answers from Denver on

I am a Mother of two Daughters 11 years and 24 years and a grandmother of a 5 year old, and I was told about this remedy by my now retired pediatician many years ago, as all my kids have suffered with ear infections from the time they where born.You really need to wash there bottom with baby shampoo do not dry it with any thing but a hair dryer set on cool or let it dry in the air than take milk of magnesium and dap with a cotton ball all over the area of the rash let it dry than take crisco and apply just like you would desitin I know this sound like you could be making cookies but truly it works and most important your babys bottom will heal.



answers from Pocatello on

Vaseline or bag balm with corn strarch always worked like a charm for my little boy!



answers from Fort Collins on

For the future, order Snow Balm to have on hand for these situations. It may not help you this time since you have to order it on line but it saved both my baby's hiney's numerous times! IT DOESN'T HURT when you put it on. That's what makes it so awesome! And it works great and FAST! I put it in every baby basket for my friends when they become new moms!



answers from Provo on

You could try putting some plain yogurt on his rash. My son had a rash for a month or so a week after he was born and the Desitin didn't work for it. My mom had recently read that a woman put acidollphius on her daughter's diaper rash and it cleared it up, so I put some kefir (I make it so I usually always have some on hand) on his little rash and it started to clear up a lot faster than anything else. You could try some plain yogurt since that also has acidollphius in it.



answers from Denver on

Use soft cotton cloths instead of paper towels. Use a more natural diaper cream (Burt's Bees). And if you can, use cloth diapers.



answers from Grand Junction on

I have not had this exact situation, but I have friends that SWEAR by Boudreaux's Butt Paste. I know it sounds funny, but it may be worth a try. Good luck!



answers from Salt Lake City on

change his diaper often. Desitin at night. When you change his diaper, fan his bum w/ the new diaper until his bum is dry.(check with the back of your hand.) Then put on the new diaper.



answers from Pocatello on

As simple as it seems my daughter went through the same thing this winter and the thing that helped more than anything was good old Vaseline or the generic kind. It coats and keeps anything from sticking. It is the only thing that I have found that works best. Hope this helps.



answers from Denver on

I would suggest using A&D or Aquaphor. In my experience anything w/ zinc oxide used by itself never worked. If the A&D or Aquaphor dont help you could make a mixture of the two aswell as lanolin and zinc oxide. Also a bath with no soap and baking soda. Put the cream on very thick and change diaper often.



answers from Denver on

sometimes it is a yeast infection. You may be able to talk to the nurse at your pediatricians office and she may be able to help you decide if it is yeast related or you could call the nurse line through Children's hospital and maybe they can steer you in the right direction as far as a cream that might work



answers from Denver on

Try Aquafor sp? My son had a diaper rash before surgery and it cleared it up in a day, now thats all we use.



answers from Salt Lake City on

Try A and D ointment



answers from Denver on

It's good that you are wiping with water. But instead of Desitin, try this: clean with water and soft cloth (or spray off in the shower and pat dry) let air dry, then just put vasaline everywhere the diaper goes. This will soothe the skin and protect it fully from any other messes in the diaper. I do this three times per day: morning, right before naps, and at night. It works. My daughter just had the same exact thing.



answers from Provo on

Please bathe him in an oatmeal bath and give him some Jarrow baby acidophilus. No need to go to the doctor. These two treatments will remedy the situation.........believe me. Put some oatmeal in a sock and tie it to the bath faucet and run the bath water over the sock. This will excreet the healing agents from the oatmeal without dispersing the oatmeal into the water. Diahreah usually means the healthy bacteria in his GI tract is unbalanced and he might have a case of some baby candida(yeast). Please go to your local health food store and purchase some baby acidophilus by Jarrow and put it into his formula or food. Works wonders. Keep his bottom as dry as possible. I made the mistake of doing what you were doing for my baby and it flared up the situation. I soon quickly learned another alternative. Oatmeal baths, dry bottom because he's had so much diahreah on the skin for so long that it needs time to breathe and heal and use the huggies sensitive wipes with no fragrance. THen, gently blow on his bottom to dry the skin from the wipes and put his diaper on. Creams smother the skin and what he needs is time for it to breathe. Trust me that the oatmeal and dry bottom will work......if the diahreah is all gone. IF not, please go to the store and purchase Burt Bee's diaper ointment. It's usually in the health food section or store. IT's made from lavender,vitamin E, aloe vera,chamomile etc. but I would really hold off on that and let his bottom dry out.



answers from Great Falls on

A pharmacist told me the over the counter vaginal yeast infection creams would work on diaper rash, so you may want to ask at a local pharmacy about that. My son used to get terrible diaper rash and I had a prescription for mycolog (sp?) ointment which was a "miracle drug" and always worked very well and quickly too. Call you Dr. and ask him to call in a tube of that ointment. I think you will find a great deal of relief for both you and your child. Corn Starch helps too once the rash is under control.



answers from Salt Lake City on

hi K., have you used BAG BALM it worked on my grandkids
you can get it at any store hope this helps your son.

J. N.



answers from Fort Collins on

Try some plain yogurt. I know it sounds strange but it may be a yeast rash not a normal rash and that is why the desetin doesn't work. My daughter gets those and it really helps! plus it can't hurt him it's all natural!



answers from Denver on

IMHO: Desitin or the Kmart brand of it (American Brand I believe) are the ONLY and I mean ONLY diaper rash ointments worth anything. They have the highest percentage of zinc oxide in them and that is the trick to clearing up bad diaper rash.

Just slather it on thickly every chance you get and it should clear things up fairly quickly.

I tried just about every other brand out there when my now 7 y/o was a baby and nothing works like the original thick white formula Desitin.

Good luck!

K. E
Arvada CO



answers from Denver on

Hi K. ~ I am definately not a doctor but I can tell you what has really worked for me in the past. There is a cream at Vitamin Cottage I think its called Wedela. They will know what you are talking about if you ask. It is a little price but well worth it. Also, to stop the diareah, there is baby acidophilis, which has active cultures like yogurt in it and will stop the diareah immediately (like in hours). Hope this helps. Good luck



answers from Denver on

Hi K.-
We had this issue a couple of months ago (my son was 5 months old at the time) and the nurse at our Dr. office gave us the remedy of: 3 Tbsp. liquid Maalox, 3 Tbsp. Desitin, and 3 Tbsp. of Lotrimen AF. They also said if this doesn't clear it up within 2 days, then it's not diaper rash. Unfortunately, ours wasn't. We took him in and they swabbed his rash and he had a bacterial infection called MRSA, which can be very serious. Google it and if you try this method and it doesn't work, demand getting in to see your Dr. right away. If MRSA gets into the bloodstream, it has to be treated interveniously in the hospital, as it can be resistent to antibiotics. I'm not trying to scare you, but skin MRSA can be serious. It's been all over the news the last 6 months or so, although it's amazing that so many people don't know about it, but there have been many reported cases, even at out peds. office. I'm not sure where we picked it up, but possibly a changing table somewhere. Feel free to email me if I can help you further.



answers from Salt Lake City on

Cornstartch, I know that it helps. Good luck



answers from Salt Lake City on

About your sons rash...My mother-in-law is a pediatric nurse of 28+ years. Whenever my kids have had a bad rash like that she has always told me to but vaseline on their bum. The vaseline will help soothe, it will also not let the urine or diarrea touch his skin. The paper towels could be irritating it more because they are so rough. Try just cleaning him off in the bath or just with warm water then apply the vaseline like you would Desitin. With my experience using it my kids diaper rash has cleared up in a matter of days. Good luck.

T. Chesley...SAH mother of two



answers from Denver on

Hi K.,
I had the same problem and the only thing I found really worked was A&D Ointment. It is the ONLY diaper rash lotion that made a difference (and I tried high priced organics, Desitin, etc.) Just be sure his bottom is really clean when you put on the A&D. It sort of creates a protective layer, so if the bottom is not clean, that can cause the iritation to continue.

The paper towels might also be a little rough on his sensitive bottom right now. You might want to try warm wash clothes (the kinds for kids are really soft).

Good luck!



answers from Salt Lake City on

Something that always works for my son's diaper rash, but it is a little messy, is to let him be naked. There is nothing better than fresh air on the area. If you can, go all day with him and no diaper or just put it on right before you know he is going to do his buisness (put desitin on first), but then take it off right away. I also rinse out wipes with cool water and use those to wipe the area and then follow it with a cool bath. I would not use paper towels, that sounds very painful. Lots of fresh air and baths. Good Luck!



answers from Denver on

There is a combo you can use...its aqurafore and i believe maylox (for stomach/diaherra) It sounds awful but mix the 2 together til you get a pastie substance and just smear the diaper rash with it...usually it should start to heal in a few days OR kings soopers have wipes that dont contain alchol and its great to use for the diaper rash. Its an off brand but I've used it every time my son got a bad diaper rash. I wouldnt recommend paper towels, its still rough to the sensitive bottom.



answers from Provo on

Best thing for diaper rash is clay. I've used it for years inside and out. go to make a paste with distilled water the consistantcy of mustard, smooth it over and it should clear up in a few days if not sooner. reapply as needed. I also use it for insect bites, upset tummies, diarahea, constipation, a facial mask for me and as a paste for infected gums. IT'S AMAZING--- IT WORKS-- AND IT'S INEXPENSIVE!
Study up on it and send some to your husband!
Best of everthing--



answers from Provo on

Hi K.. Have you tried corn starch? I swear by it. Just sprinkle it on his rashy area. It keeps it dry and heals the rash. I love the stuff. Also, when my kids have diarrea I give them chewable acidophilus or yogurt with acidophilus in it. It is so good for them and it kills the bacteria in the stomach that is causing the diarrea. It clears up it up in usually a day or two. Hope this helps. Good Luck!



answers from Fort Collins on

Hi K., sorry to hear about the diaper rash and flu to top it off. My son had a bad diaper rash about a month ago. I would lay him on the counter in the bathroom and fill the sink with a little warm water and add some baking soda to it. Pat the soda/warm water on him and clean him very well...very gently, then allow him to dry and if you can leave his diaper off for a while or keep it loose if you are too nervous to leave it off. I would then apply A&D, my miracle diaper rash ointment...I love it. Change his diaper frequently (every 2 hours) and repeat this. I know it's a lot of work but it worked great for me. Good luck!



answers from Denver on

I had the same problem with both of my kids. If he still has the diarrea, talk to your doctor for the dosing, but you can give him a little Amodium AD to give his bottom a rest. And for the rash, buy Preparation H. It works wonders and it won't burn when you put it on. I went through months of pain with my son, until a new doctor told me about this. When my daughter had the same problem, I knew just what to do. Hope this helps.



answers from Salt Lake City on

Wow, I just read all of the other responses and there is some great stuff in there! The only thing I would add, is to let the rash on your son dry out with out a diaper or any creams on it. I did this for my daughter by putting her in the tub with out water and some toys to play for as long as would. She had a terrible rash and once it gets to a certain stage, it won't heal very well unless you let the skin air out. Also, don't scrub it with anything as that will irritate the skin and make it worse, rinse it off in the tub. This is kind of annoying and time consuming but when a rash gets so bad, you have to do what it takes to heal it!
Good luck I know these things can be stressful for both of you!



answers from Salt Lake City on

I always use vasaline. It helps heal it and protect it for the next messy diaper.



answers from Boise on

Get rid of that generic Desitin! Use name brand, and give him more baths. Let him air dry. It might be a gamble, but letting him "go comando" would help. Just lay out some old sheets or blankets where he can play for an hour or so. Make sure to slather on as much butt paste as possable at night when his bum will have the most exposure to diaper disaster. Just try to find new things for him to do to keep his mind off of it. Maybe he would like to "cook" with some kitchen tools. Good luck! He'll probably get better really soon.



answers from Albuquerque on

get a lot of diaper cream, seriously. my daughter had the same problem a few weeks ago i went through four tubes of diaper cream. our doctor said to just put it on really thick and change her often. the extra cream doesn't necessarily heal them more than a normal amount but it keeps the bum from touching the bm and stays on the bum longer instead of being absorbed by the diaper so quickly. it worked pretty good for my daughter. i used johnson and johnson no more rash creme. good luck, i hope this helps.



answers from Denver on

Just like everybody else says, airing his bottom is perfect. Try some little underwear with lots of cornstarch. I swear by it!!



answers from Casper on

I sometimes give my children a warm bath in some epsom salts (can get them anywhere, walmart, Kmart). Just run a bath like you would for them and then add some of the epsom salts. Mix it in and then let them soak/play for about 10-15 mintues. When you get him out then put on the cream that you like (after making sure that he is really dry) and his diaper. A couple of days of that and his rash will feel better. Good luck.



answers from Denver on

When my kids were little and got diaper rashes I always cleaned them and let them air dry as long as possible and then I used cornstarch! It always worked great and helped them heal much faster than any diaper cream I've seen. hope that helps.



answers from Fort Collins on

Hello K.,

My name is H. and I think I might have a answer for you. Have you ever heard of Arbonne? They are naturally produced botanically based products that do what they say. They have a amazing baby care line with a fabulous diaper rash cream. I am not just telling you this because I am a consultant but I have personally used these products on my kids and I have also seen the results that other people have had and they are fabulous. I would be more than happy to get you a sample of this so you can try it right away on your son. Please contact me at ###-###-#### or I look forward to hearing from you. I know this will help. H.



answers from Provo on

I love Aquaphor for diaper rash. It really protects the bottom well. You can just find it in any grocery store. It is a Eucerine product. Good Luck.



answers from Provo on

Try Oatmeal. Put some oatmeal in the blender and blend it up. Then sew it into a little bag. Put the bag in the bath water. I usually squeeze the bag after it is wet to get more of the liquid white stuff out of the oatmeal and into the bath water.

Or you can try baking soda in the bath water. This also helps. My 6 year old still asks for it when she feels funny down there.



answers from Pocatello on

The best thing to do is to wash the baby's bottom in lukewarm water, with a gentle soap, with your hand. Make sure to rinse off all the soap. You may not feel like using soap, but it's a must because if the skin rash is already bad, you don't want the baby to get impetego. Don't use a washcloth or paper towel or anything like that, as it will further irritate the poor baby's bum. Let the bottom air dry well, then try using a different cream. My kids, in particular my youngest, have very sensitive skin. They seem to respond best to the A+D cream--not the ointment that looks like petroleum jelly, but the white one that is with or without aloe. That works very well. It's a bit of a pain to wash the bum every time, but I guarantee it will clear up faster.



answers from Denver on

We just went through this with my 14 month old son last week as well. Our Dr. recomended limiting the milk and sticking to the BRAT diet (banana's, rice, appl sauce and toast). As for the bottom they recomended 4 baking soda baths a day. Put about a quarter cup of baking soda in a warm tub of water after each diaper change. Also I found that Beadreua Butt Paste worked much better than our A&D in this case. Also let him go with out a diaper for about 10 minutes after each diaper change of course this can always lead to accidents. As our son pooped on the floor his leg and the bed. But the rash cleared up pretty quickly!



answers from Colorado Springs on

AIR AIR AIR AIR AIR. The more air the bottom gets the faster it will heal.



answers from Casper on

My little guy used to have aweful diaper rash. From about 3 weeks to 5 months. We realized he was allergic to all the nasty chemicles in the disposible diapers so we switched to cloth. We use Bum Genius Pocket diapers...not the kind that most people use for burp rags. Within 2 diaper changes his rash was almost gone and has not come back since! While he had the diaper rash we tried alot of rash cream but found that the aveeno worked best for us. We had 2 different tubes of it. One had a light blue lid and the other had a dark blue lid (I forget the actual names sorry). The dark blue lid one helped a lot more than the other. And it was way easier to clean off than the others. Also whenever we used just water and a cloth to clean his bum we noticed it got worse. We always use the sensitive non scented wipes and they work great. Also (and I know with diarea this will be tricky) try to leave the diaper off whenever you can. The more it airs out the better the rash will get. Also as soon as he has a wet diaper change it if you can. The wet sitting on the rash will make it much worse. I hope that helps a little and I hope your little one gets better very soon.



answers from Colorado Springs on

I used to have a couple of tricks for getting rid of a diaper rash. Lanolin always worked for me. It is the stuff that I used to put on my nipples when they cracked from breast feeding. It works wonders on diaper rashes. Aquafore always seemed to do a pretty good job, too. I would also sprinkle a little bit of the corn starch baby powder on top to help keep it dry. Soaking in a warm tub can also help.

Good luck!



answers from Salt Lake City on

the best thing i could think to do would be to maybe let him soak in a warm bath not to warm though that could possibly burn after having a messy diaper. as far as the creams go there is one that works MIR-A-CALS i cant remember the whole name its called something like triple acting butt paste, not to be confused with the regular butt paste. i found it at target but you could also ask the pharmasist and they could tell you what to use.
best of luck!



answers from Denver on

Soak his bum in warm water to make sure it's clean, dry thoroughly and then slather the rash with Weleda Calendula Diaper Care Creme (I get it at WHole Foods). Maybe do this twice a day till it's better. This stuff is truly amazing! It seriously works miracles. Good Luck!



answers from Denver on

Our pediatrician recommended the following concoction and it works miracles!

45% - 100% Zinc Oxide -- hard to find (I think Desitin only has 10 zinc)
45% - Aquaphor
10% - Domeboro Astringent Solution Powder Packets (usually used for poison ivy and other skin irritants) by the Calamine lotion at the pharmacy.

Follow Domeboro Solution directions (have to add water) then mix all three ingredients together in a container (I asked the pharmacist for a jar they use for rx lotions).

hint: I mixed solution with my finger cause it's pretty greasy and you can't get it off a spoon very well.

Apply liberally after every diaper change.

Good luck!



answers from Salt Lake City on

A&D works really well!! Makes Desitin look like you weren't doing anything. You can get it at Target.



answers from Denver on

The best thing that has worked for me when my children have had really bad diaper rash is to let them run naked. If I absolutely have to put on a diaper, I use an extraordinarily thick amount of Butt Paste (which I've found works better than Desitin) and medicated baby powder on top of that.



answers from Denver on

Hi K.. BAlmex is the diaper cream I found works best (I tried them ALL). But I wouldn't use paper towels to clean his bottom. Use a very soft wash cloth and warm water - don't use wipes because they can spread bacteria. A couple baths a day with baking soda in the water can help. Also, if his rash is bumpy it could be a yeast infection, in which case regular diaper cream doesn't work. You can use Lotrimin, found in the foot care aisle of the store. I'm practically an expert on diaper rash because my daughter suffered from it a ton! She had almost chronic yeast infections for a while.

I hope this helps and that he gets better soon!



answers from Boise on

I just recently had the same problem with my 9 month old son when he caught rotovirus. The best thing I can suggest is a warm bath everyday, use warm cloths to wipes him down, them lather him in desitin cream everywhere (don't rub it on because that hurts but dab it with your finger) and top it off with baby powder to keep him as dry as possible. I also started changing his diapers every hour because even his urine is acidic and can increase the diaper rash.



answers from Denver on

Make a strong batch of chamomile tea. Cut up some of those thin produce bags into the size to cover rash area. Use cotton facial pads to soak up the tea, place those on the rash area, then use the plastic as a divider to keep the tea from soaking into the diaper.
I had my doubts when my Romanian neighbor brought me me this rememdy but it work so quickly and effeciently. Hope it brings the same results for you. Good Luck!



answers from Grand Junction on

My son was actually allergic to huggies, so his nana ( who worked at a retirement center) suggested using something called a barrier cream. What it is used for is the geriatrics in diapers, it prevents anything from touching the skin until you wipe it off. It worked like magic!! It was also very easy to clean off and his rashes would go away within a day or two!!! You can get them at any neighborhood pharmacy, just ask the pharmacist!!



answers from Boise on

If he just can't handle it sometimes, let him play in the bathtub for a long time. You risk poopy water, but it really helped my son get through horrible diaper rashes.



answers from Missoula on

This is going to sound crazy but the best thing I ever used
was called Corona Cream it is is a red & yellow tube or container, you can get it at most feed & grain places, such as Big R stores or Quality Supply's it is actually for horses
but it is the best stuff, I have 4 girls and teething always came with diaper rash, but this stuff was the only thing that ever protected and cleared it up, try it you will be amazed and your baby will be forever grateful.



answers from Pocatello on

I don't know if you are using cloth or disposable diapers but I am going to assume that it is disposable... One thing that helped me with the same problem was cloth diapers, I would put on a loose cloth diaper with no cover when we were at home, then as soon as he was wet I would know and change it right away. Overnight I would lather on the the diaper rash cream, something with lanolin and aloe helps more than just zinc, and change him AS SOON as he woke up, if it was in the middle of the night, then I would change him then, and again as soon as he woke up. Keeping his bottom dry during the day will help substantially. Obviously give him lots of liquids still and avoid acidic food, oranges, tomatoes, those kind of things. Another thing to avoid with diaper rash is excess sugar. Love him lots, and hope he gets better soon. He could also have a yeast infection, which looks like a blistery rash, and then you would need to see the doc for some cream. Hopefully that helps until you can get in to see the doctor. The winter will end soon and with it flu season... best of luck...


SAH mom of 4 boys, 10,9,6, and 2... been there, done that, no regrets!...



answers from Colorado Springs on

My daughter had a diaper rash that just would not go away, I had asked doctors and friends and NOTHING worked, until...
I took her to the emergency room and happened to mention her diaper rash problem (I was desperate!). The doctor on call that day actually had the answer!!! He told me to mix Lotrimine, Neosporin and Cortizone (you can use the no brands from Walmart to save $). I squeezed the tubes into a plastic container and within 48 hours of using it at every diaper change, her rash was gone! I continued to use it until the mix was all gone and she has never had a rash since! I keep some in her changing basket and anytime she looks red at all I just dab some on.
This was a miracle worker for me! Hope it works for you.



answers from Denver on

You definitely have to use AQUAPHOR from Eucerin - you can get it at Walgreens. It isn't a typical diaper rash medicine - but it works wonders. The diaper rash will clear up OVERNIGHT!!!! You'll find it in the lotion aisle (first aisle to your left when you walk into the store). I use it for everything from a diaper rash to chapped lips to cuts and scrapes.



answers from Denver on

I've never had Destin work for my kids. however A & D has always cleared it up. Something about it actually has stuff in it to heal their bums, instead of just covering it up and protecting it from the wetness. good luck, I think we've all been there:)



answers from Missoula on

Hi K.,
When my kids had diaper rash I always used bag balm, it is for cow utters but works great for this. My kids are grown now but they still have Bag Balm.

Good Luck



answers from Pueblo on

Hi K.,
I haven't read all the responses, but I use Monistat cream on my boy when he gets yeast rashes (teething is horrible for us). Just the generic brand. I've tried the Lotrimin, but found the miconazole (Monistat) works least for us. It usually takes about 24 hours and it's totally cleared up.
Good luck!! (and glad you found something to help calm it a bit in the meantime!)



answers from Boise on

Warm baths are a great way to soothe bottoms. It gives them a break from their diapers which can make it worse when it's right up against their bottoms all the time. Also, you can let them stand in the tub - let the air hit his bottom. That will also help.



answers from Casper on

Hi K.,

I just wanted to share with you what I have always used. It's called A&D Ointment, DON"T get the one with the ZINC in it.
It's just a plain yellow, white and brown tube. My kids are 10 and 6 now, but it works great!! Hope this works for you!



answers from Denver on

My mom, my sister and I have found that the only thing that works on a bad diaper rash is Bag Balm. According to my sister she gets hers a any pharmacy. I find mine in the pet section at Wal-mart.
Bag Balm was originally made for milk cows teats but it works wonders on diaper rash too.
I also us it for cracked skin around my finger nails and lip balm (of course from a separate container than the one I use for diaper rash)



answers from Salt Lake City on

Is the rash really red and bumpy and it's seeming to get more rough (his skin)as the days go on? That probably means its a yeast infection. Yes, boys can get them too, especially when their immune system is down. What you should do is call your doctors office and they should call in a prescription for Nystatin ointment. That should clear it right up. In the mean time, use wet rags instead of wipes, and dry his skin completely to prevent any further yeast growth.



answers from Denver on

A 50/50 mix of Desitin (or like) & of Lotrimin (or another anti fungal), blend in your palm and spread away!



answers from San Francisco on

Hi K.,
It looks as if you have rec'd A LOT of advice . I only read the first few but as an ER nurse, I wanted to tell you to not use Vaseline, Aquaphor or any petroleum based ointments. They hold in the heat of the rash. The best treatment is Triple Paste which you can get at Smith's or Albertson's here in sandy. Hope all is well.



answers from Grand Junction on

I used old sock pieces. Paper is rough, even when wet.

Try A and D instead of Desitin. I ended up with many many samples and I tried all of them, but for me A and D worked best, and quickly. You, of course, may find positive results with a different brand/compound. Don't rule out vaseline.

Use Cloth Diapers; look for a diaper service as a permanent solution (I paid less for sufficient numbers of diapers and a pick up once a week than you could get buying diapers at the Sam's or with coupons), Or just use them as long as the rash persists and go back to disposables. Diapers get changed sooner and there aren't chemicals to irritate.



answers from Denver on

When my girls were little they were raw at times. I used corn starch just sprinkle it all over and the pain goes away Good luck.



answers from Colorado Springs on

Use vasoline. It is a thicker barrier than most diaper rash creams and doesn't cost a ton. Don't forget to give him plenty to drink. Kids can get dehydrated faster with the runs.



answers from Denver on

I am a mother of 3 daughters and an 8month old sone. My son was getting really bad diaper rashes and i had tried everything. I happened to be talkin to one of my girlfriends and her neice had the same problem. My friend told me to call my Dr. and get a perscription for BIAFINE and the first application took the rash away. You only use it 2-3times a day. It comes in a squishy tube, it is WONDERFUL stuff. Give this a try, HOPE it works for you like it did for me!!!!



answers from Provo on

Sometimes when a child is sick and their immune system is down they can develope a secondary infection. The rash could be a yeast infection. Give him probiotics- you can get some at the health food store in caplets you can sprinkle in his food, or in the form of yogurt- (although if the yogurt is sugary it can feed the yeast- so get the healthy kind). You can also get an antifungal cream.Keep it dry with cornstarch.

I am a stay at home mom with 3 boys and I do a lot of reading on nutrition and health.



answers from Denver on

My daughter used to get really bad diaper rash as well. Our doctor recommended using a hair-dryer on the lowest setting to gently dry her after a diaper change. It definitely helped the rashes clear up sooner. Also, the Burt's Bees diaper rash cream was the best we'd used. Butt Paste brand was also pretty good.



answers from Provo on

My 16 mo old bay girl just went through this. I have found that when my kids have a diaper rash, sometimes I just have to switch up the diaper rash ointment. It gets expensive at first, but when you have a few different kinds around (ie petroleum based, like A&D, cream like desitin, etc. ) it's helpful. I have found that when I try something new and it's going to work, it shows immediately, like within one diaper change. If you have any friends around with babies who are willing to let you borrow a different kind of ointment, this can save you some money while you figure out what is going to work.

Good luck!



answers from Grand Junction on

I would stop the paper towels, they are actually not good for skin especially irratated skin. Have you tried butt paste? Yes it's called that. Have you tried after cleaning him up, let him dry and air out for a while. It did wonders for my babies rashes. What I would do is clean them up (maybe try no sent sensitive skin baby wipes) let it air out give it a good 10-15 minutes....However long you/or he can stand, then put your desitin or butt paste on. You should be able to find the butt paste by the desitin in the is more $ but worth it!
I would try to get into another doctor if you can if it seems to get worse.



answers from Pocatello on

The best thing is no diaper-water and paper towels are good too. I wrap a towel loosely around them like a cloth diaper and let them run free. When I am desperate and the skin has broken from the rash I use a little lotrimin mixed with neosporin pain relieving CREAM (not ointment). Then A&D or desitin over that. They relieve the pain and balance out so the yeast doesn't take over. Then the A&D protects the skin.
I'm not a pediatrician though, so use at your own risk-but it always works for me. I am going to try that maalox mixture next time that sounds like a great idea.

ps my husband is military too--getting ready for his second deployment hooah!

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