School: Arms Reach

See all 132 articles
6 answers

Out Growing Arms Reach Co-sleeper, What Now?

Our daughter is now 6 months and has been sleeping in an Arms Reach co-sleeper since birth and has always started out the night there except the first few weeks. She currently goes to bed in the co-sleeper at 7pm and is out relatively quickly unless she is having a bad teeth night or got over tired due to missing a nap during the day. I recently figured out how to nurse in bed on my side (about time!) and she wakes at about 4am to nurse and I have been bringing her into bed and feeding her and then she sleeps the rest of the night in bed...

Academic Performance

See all 57 articles
6 answers

Out Growing Arms Reach Co-sleeper, What Now?

Our daughter is now 6 months and has been sleeping in an Arms Reach co-sleeper since birth and has always started out the night there except the first few weeks. She currently goes to bed in the co-sleeper at 7pm and is out relatively quickly unless she is having a bad teeth night or got over tired due to missing a nap during the day. I recently figured out how to nurse in bed on my side (about time!) and she wakes at about 4am to nurse and I have been bringing her into bed and feeding her and then she sleeps the rest of the night in bed...

Changing Schools

See all 87 articles
67 answers

Where Should the New Baby Sleep?

I would like some advice on sleeping arrangements with a newborn. Our first child is due this fall, and I’ve been reading many different opinions about where the baby should sleep. Can anyone share their experiences? We do not plan on putting the baby in the bed with us—that just wouldn’t work for us, and I'd be too worried about rolling over. We are thinking about either a mini co-sleeper or bassinet to use in our room for the first few months, or just putting the baby in it’s own room in a crib from the start. As a side note, I...


Advice on a Bassinet?

Hello I am about to bring a new baby home and need advice on the best place...


New School Again!!

Okay ladies please be nice, lol. Here is my ordeal. We have moved to a new...

Getting to School

See all 50 articles
35 answers

The Zombie Walk

I have become a slave to the pacifier! i am talking about my 9 month old who wakes up in the middle of the night numerous times and cries till we come give her her pacifier. She will immediately stand up and continue to cry until we come find it for her. We have tried to let her cry it out but we gave up after 2 hrs. It became easier for us to just do the zombie walk(half asleep) to her room and give it to her because she'll go right back to sleep. But now its annoying because I am losing sleep. Does anyone else do this? Does anyone...


Middle School

See all 73 articles
6 answers

Out Growing Arms Reach Co-sleeper, What Now?

Our daughter is now 6 months and has been sleeping in an Arms Reach co-sleeper since birth and has always started out the night there except the first few weeks. She currently goes to bed in the co-sleeper at 7pm and is out relatively quickly unless she is having a bad teeth night or got over tired due to missing a nap during the day. I recently figured out how to nurse in bed on my side (about time!) and she wakes at about 4am to nurse and I have been bringing her into bed and feeding her and then she sleeps the rest of the night in bed...

School Vacations

10 answers

Best Swimming Aid for Two Year Old

Hello, What would you recommand for my toddler? He's had the armbands but I would like to change to a styropor belt. Are they safe enough/ do they keep them aflout with him kicking as well? Or do you have other tips for me? Thanks in advance! J.