Nap & Bedtime: Meijer

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13 answers

Seeking Some More Advice from Moms Who Understand

I actually need help with two things. my son is two and a half and wont' sleep in his own bed, how do I get him to sleep in his own bed. also he won't stop using his sippy cup, does anybody have any advice about getting him off the sippy cup?

Ferber or Cry it Out

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97 answers

I Just Want to Cry!!

I am at a complete loss. My son is one and he won't eat. He is underweight and I have doctors yelling at me left and right (not literally yelling but making me feel like I am a bad mother). Here is the issue; since he was about 10 months he started this I want to be in control thing where I would try to feed him his baby food and he would push me away but he wouldn't cry and if I put his hand down, he would open his mouth, but only on his own time. We were over that for awhile and he was eating better. We then went to his one year check-up...


Sleep Deprived Mom

Hi there...I am hoping someone out there has a suggestion for getting my son...


Preschool Mean Kids

My 3-year-old (he'll be 3 1/2 next week) started preschool soon after...

Night Light

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26 answers

Coffee Stain on New Carpet!!

Help! On Saturday, my husband spilled a cup of coffee all over our new, light grey carpet. I tried treating it with Bissell's stain remover, but it didn't work and now we're left with a stain that looks like our pet peed on it! Does anyone have any tips that might work, please??

Night Waking & Crying

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23 answers

My Almost 5 Month Old Still Not Sleeing Thru the Night!!

My baby boy will be 5 months old on June 2nd. He still has yet to sleep thru the night! I am exhausted and a littel discouraged. For the most part, he wakes up about 2x a night. We put him down around 8pm and he will sleep until about 11:30-12:30am Then, he usually wakes again around 3-4am. He eats both times and gets full. I have noticed that he is teething so I take that into consideration. I don't know if he doesn't sleep thru the night because teething interfered with the process. OR if he just doesn't sleep thru the night...


Am I over Feeding??

My 6 wks old daughter is eating about 4oz. every 3 hours, but sometime after...