Diapers: Toddler, Pampers

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9 answers

Chemical Smell from Pampers Diapers

I just had baby number 2 and she was a very healthy 9 lbs so newborn diapers were a little too small for her. So we went straight to number 1's. We still had a few packages from my first that we never used up and were using those before buying anymore. My Mom bought me a box of the same type of Pampers diapers the other day and I just started using those ones yesterday. As I said I had been using the leftover ones from my first born before dipping into the new package. But.... the diapres taht my Mom bought seem to be giving off a...


Changes to Pampers

As anyone noticed that the Pampers Baby Dry pampers have changed. I hate...


How Many Diapers?

My husband and I are expecting our first baby in a few weeks. We are...

Cloth Diapers

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6 answers

Diaper Pail for Cloth Diapers

I have two babies in diapers and I'm new to cloth diapers. What is the best diaper pail to use? I'm using a regular diaper pail from Target right now but I've seen other, more expensive diaper pails sold on some of the cloth diapering websites. I'm washing every two days or less but things can still get fairly stinky. Just wondering if it's worth the money to invest in another diaper pail.

Diaper Leaks at Night

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23 answers

Diapers That Don't Leak?

I have been using Pampers Baby Dry diapers for a long time, first for my daughter, now for my son. I never had a problem until the last few weeks. My son's diaper tends to leak after a night of sleeping. He does tend to sleep on his stomach, which I know might contribute to the problem. The front of his pajamas feel damp every morning. Not soaked but definitely damp. I try going one size up for the nighttime diapers but I still get some leakage. Are there other brands that might help avoid this problem?

Diapers Not Holding During Day

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Blow Out Diapers

Hi everyone, We just recently accepted a new little one that is 18 months...


Diaper Blow Outs

Ds #2 is prone to diaper blow outs. No sooner had I changed and dressed him...

Disposable Diapers

See all 484 articles
11 answers

Changes to Pampers

As anyone noticed that the Pampers Baby Dry pampers have changed. I hate the new stretchy diapers that the baby dry has changed to. The old style was the only diaper that fit my child properly and never leaked. Now they leak, don't hold very much, don't stay in place, and sag. There was no warning or anything, and nothing even written on the packages. Even the picture on the package is the old style diaper. The original Koala grips and non stretch were amazing, and the best diaper out there. Does anyone have any suggestions for what to...


Pampers VS. LUVS

Hello Moms, So I normally am a "Huggies ONLY" mom, I've tried every brand...


Disposable or Cloth

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11 answers

Cloth Vs. Disposable Diapers

Cloth vs. disposable diapers - which is better for a baby's bottom and from an economic standpoint?


Cloth Vs. Disposable

Hubby and I are expecting our first bundle of joy in March. I'm looking...


Which Cloth Diaper?

I am on a quest to start using cloth diapers. My daughter is 17 mos. and...

Swim Diapers

See all 63 articles
6 answers

Maternity Swimsuit & Swim Diapers

Hi, My 23 month old and I are taking a swimming class in Jan. I'm due in March with our second. I'm looking for a suit that will fit my belly (I'm not huge but I'm not going to fit in to a regular suit) and for swim diapers for my daughter. I know they sell swim diapers at Babies R Us and Target duruing the regular season, but didn't see them last time I was there. I'm trying to remember the brand so I can order them via the Internet. Huggies? Pampers?


Cloth Swim Diapers

Has anyone used cloth swim diapers? I think the brand that I saw was imse...