Child: Toddler, Baby Bjorn

Results 1-10 from 1,181 articles

Baby Bjorn

L.C. asks from San Francisco

Hello, The pediatrician mentioned that my 3 1/2 month old baby is developing a slightly flat head in the back. She suggested that when he's awake to try to avoid ha...


Is Baby Bjorn Bad??

W.R. asks from Norfolk

I just read in someone else's post that she was looking for a new carrier because she heard the Baby Bjorn was bad for the baby's spine. I carry my 4 1/2-month old d...


Moby Wrap or Baby Bjorn

N.N. asks from Dayton

I did not use a carrier with my first baby, but with a 2-yr old and newborn, I would really like to be able to use a carrier. I have heard good things about the Moby ...


Anyone Know a Good Alternative to the Baby Bjorn?

R.S. asks from Phoenix

I'm wondering if any of you mamas know of a good alternative to the baby bjorn? I'm purchasing a sling but I would also like a carrier my husband can use, I don't wa...


Baby Bjorn Carrier Vs. Ergo Baby Carrier

J.G. asks from Omaha

Looking to get a carrier for our new baby. I've read up on both the Baby Bjorn and the Ergo and they both seem nice. Just can't decide which one to get...Which one ...


Deciding Whether to Invest in Carrier for My Son Who Has Outgrown His Baby Bjorn

S.T. asks from Columbus

My son is 11-months old and not yet walking. He has outgrown his baby Bjorn which we used daily when he was smaller (walks each evening, shopping, etc). I'm curious...


Wanted - Reviews on Baby Bjorn Potty Chair And/or the Potty Patty Potty Chair

T.M. asks from Jackson

I'm looking for a potty chair for my daughter. She is 3 years old and weighs 28 lbs. I'm considering two potty chairs and would love to hear the pros and cons fro...


Baby Bjorn Carrier Worth the Money?

J.D. asks from Dallas

I have a 15 month old and now a newborn but I wAS wondering what infant carrier is the best. I will be traveling on a plane but i dont want to bring my nice new doub...


5 Year Old Refuses to Poop in the Potty Despite Efforts made...HELP PLEASE!

A.S. asks from Killeen

My son is 5 years old and going on 6 this September. He has had constipation problems since he was about 2 and we have given him Miralax as a prevention and supposito...


When Should We Start Training Our 18 Month Old Son?

K.J. asks from Chicago

My son is 18 months and takes great pride in peeing and pooping, happily declaring when he has accomplished both (although he does not always inform us). When should...