Whole Family: Joovy

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13 answers

Need Opinion on a Sit and Stand Stroller

Ok ladies (and gentlemans)... I need your advice on whether or not to buy a sit and stand stroller. I have a 2 1/2 year old independent daughter who wants to walk everywhere we go. I also have a 10 month old son. I have looked into the baby trend sit and stand, and the joovy sit and stand. What do you think? Is it worth it or should I not bother? Is the sit and stand bulky and too big? Is it easy to use and position for your needs? I have heard that most mom do not like the joovy. What do you think? I appreciate your advice!


Sit 'N Stand Review

Does anyone have a double Sit 'n Stand stroller? If so, does it work for...

Traveling & Kids

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7 answers

Joovy Caboose Stroller Opinions

I am looking at the Joovy caboose stroller for my 3 yr old and 15 month old. The reviews are pretty much 50/50 as to likes and dislikes. Anyone here have one and if so do you like/dislike it? I have a BabyJogger double that I love, but I am looking for something more compact to keep in my car all the time. My 3 year old gets tired easy so I can't rely on him walking for long distances, plus my 15 month old weighs about 27 lbs, so I can't carry him for long distances. Any opinions would be appreciated. Thanks