Treatments: Toddler, Steroids

Results 41-50 from 281 articles

Sick Son for a Month! Drs and Antibiotics Wth!

A.S. asks from Reading

my 2 yr old has been sick for a month. hes on oral seroid for his cough and yellow green BAD runny nose sneezing itchy eyes cough. i finally demanded a antibiotic and...


18 Month Old Baby with Severe Nasal Congestion

T.P. asks from Salinas

Hello Moms, I was hoping someone had a secret remedy for severe nasal congestion. My 18 month old daughter has severe congestion. It is deep in her sinuses and she do...


22 Month on Albuterol for More than 2 Weeks

S.F. asks from Detroit

My son was hospitalized over 2 weeks ago for his breathing issues. When he got out we went about a week and a half with albuterol treatment about twice a day. When I ...


6 Year Old with Constant Cough

S.W. asks from Dallas

I have a 6 yr. old that has been coughing off and on for awhile now. It recently got worse, but it is a dry cough. He gets into these fits of coughing and can't sto...


Son Almost 2 Got Croup Twice in a Month and Now Bad Cold

N.C. asks from Los Angeles

My son contacted the croup after a flight and then got a lingering dry cough usually it went away after 2 weeks or 3 max but this time, we flew back from our vacation...


Sick 2 Month Old

J.M. asks from Peoria

I have a 2 month little boy and he is sick he has an ear infection and now also a cough and it is a deep cough, so much he throws everything up. any suggestions or ea...


Mommy's Cough Just Isn't Going Away :0(

K.G. asks from Boca Raton

I know everything's going around, especially since all kids are back in school now and germs are flying around like crazy.. With that being said, I've had a bad cough...


Long Lasting Cough in My 4 Yr Old.

B.S. asks from Chicago

Back on Dec 7th, i took my son to the doc cuz he had a sore throat, turned out to be strep, and he also had an ear infection. About mid way through his antibiotic tr...


Asthma Doctor in Cedar Park Area? Treatment for Asthma???

R.M. asks from Austin

My son is struggling with asthma today....I need to get him some help...but don't want to take him to his regular doctor again...he will just get anebulizer treatment...


Long-Lasting Cough in 2.5Yo

L.S. asks from Fort Collins

My son, 2.5 yo has had a nagging cough for about 2 months now. It started with a virus/cold. Over the course of the last couple of months he has had a runny nose, w...