Toddler: Infant, Miracle Blanket

Results 51-60 from 562 articles

Swaddling-for How Long??

A.C. asks from Boston

I really can't tell if I should continue swaddling my six week old. Hard to tell if he needs it. He seems bothered by it and will kick and kick for LONG stretches u...


Bigger Swaddle Wraps?

L.C. asks from Seattle

My son is outgrowing his current swaddles (Kiddopotamus), and because he wriggles out of them in the middle of the night or during naps, he wakes up more frequently. ...


Anyone Have Any Experience with Weaning Baby off Swaddling?

S.L. asks from Cleveland

We have been swaddling our 4.5 month old since she was born. We are currently using the miracle blanket. We swaddle her for naps and nighttime. She currently sleep...


My 5 Month Old Will Not Sleep!

M.R. asks from Denver

My 5 month old is wearing me out. He won't sleep more than an hour, 2 hours max at night time. Some nights I'm up every 45 minutes, some nights I don't sleep at all...


Baby Still Sleeping in Swing

H.C. asks from Knoxville

My daughter had colic, so I followed the advice of Dr. Harvey Karp's book, "The Happiest Baby on the Block." In that book, it says that it is ok to let a colicky inf...


Help on Infant Sleeping for 4 Mo. Old

E.B. asks from Dallas

I have a 4-month old son who can only sleep when tightly swaddled. Since he is getting stronger, the swaddle is soon to be useless, but he cries and wrestles around ...


Help Infant Will Not Stay Asleep When I Lay Her Down.

D. asks from Dallas

Please help my 4 week old will not stay asleep when I lay her down. She sleeps fine as long as we hold her. She will not sit in her bouncer or swing she just screams ...


Miracle blanket/Swaddling

S.W. asks from Dallas

I am trying desperately to keep my 7 month old from sleeping on his tummy, face planted in the mattress! Someone told me to swaddle him, but he gets his arms out easi...


Belly Sleeping Infant - Need Advice!!!

M.R. asks from Fort Myers

My daughter is now 4 weeks old and she will not sleep on her back. After many, many nights of relentless crying, dozing, then waking up again screaming, I flipped he...


Must Have Baby Products

M.W. asks from Los Angeles

I am a first time Mom going through books and lists of must have baby items. Any advice of what you really should have and what you don't need so urgently for the fir...