Skin Cancers: Meijer

Results 1-10 from 35 articles

What Is a Good Skin Care Products for a Preteen Girl??

T.N. asks from Fort Wayne

My oldest daughter is 11 and it is time that she use some skin care products. There are so many products out there that I was hoping to get some suggestions from othe...


Toddler's Sensative Skin

J.S. asks from Chicago

Can a toddler be sensitive to perfumy products such as fabric softner? My 29 month old has broken out on her legs on the back upper thigh area and now I just spotted ...


HELP!! My 8 Month Old Baby Has Diaper Rash So Bad I Can See Some Red Skin!!!!

S.N. asks from Chicago

I'm feeling so bad :( Since yesterday she has had severe mucusy diarrhea and she only vomited once uptil now. She cries in pain every time she pooped and everytime ...


Mineral Make-up?

G.G. asks from Chicago

Can anyone provide me any comments or feedback on Mineral Make-up. Specifically I am looking at Bare Essentials. I also thought I read somewhere that Titanium Di...



M.S. asks from Columbus

My daughter is almost 10 weeks old and we are breastfeeding. While I was pregnant I decided to breast feed and I was like oh this will be so good for her and it will...


Feeding a Family of Four Healthily for CHEAP!!

A.G. asks from Chicago

I just want to cry everytime I go to the grocery store these days. No matter what I do, clip coupons, meal plan, stick to the list etc., I always seem to tally in at...


Gluten Free Products

J.C. asks from Chicago

I am looking to find some great tasting gluten free products. I recently found out that I cannot have gluten in my diet and would also like to eliminate it from my f...


Looking for Help with Daughter's Eczema

K.S. asks from Detroit

My daughter has recently been diagnosised with eczema. The cream her pediatrician gave us initially helped some, but it hasn't completely gone away. I am looking fo...


Alternatives to Cows Milk

J.B. asks from Detroit

Hi Everyone! We are currently researching alternatives to cow's milk. My daughter is 9 months old. I know we do not want to give her cows milk....and I anticipate ...


Need More Information About Allergies// or Rash and Egsemas Around Mouth.

L.G. asks from Chicago

My baby about 11 month started get rash and dry sking around his mouth, nose, and cheeks. Our doctor said it is nothing to worry about, he gave some "Eucerin" ointmen...