Skin Cancers: Hydrocortisone

Results 11-20 from 199 articles

Help with Son's Itchy Skin!

C.W. asks from Detroit

Hi! This is my first request on Mamasource. Both of my children have eczema (all over their bodies, but worse on their hands and feet). We have prescription steroi...


19 Month Old & Dry Skin

V.M. asks from Norfolk

My 19 month old was born with sensitive skin and tends to have a little excema (not sure of spelling), when I took him to his recent dr appointment I asked about the ...


Need Good Moisturizer for Infant with Sensitive Skin

D.L. asks from San Diego

Can anyone recommend a good moisturizer? My son has been having some extremely dry patches on his legs. I tried a baby moisturizer but I think he had a reaction to it...


Exzema/dry Skin on My 22 Month Old

L.S. asks from Seattle

my daughter has dry skin all over. Drier patches on her elbows and the back of her arms, her thighs and calves. She scratches her tummy and her upper and lower back...


Very Dry Skin on Our 4-Month-old Daughter's Face

L.M. asks from South Bend

Our poor baby! She's been having ongoing trouble with skin on her forehead, cheeks, and chin that's so dry that it flakes off and/or gets yellow and crusty. We've bee...


Skin Propblem on My 21 Month Old- Don't Know What It Is???

S.H. asks from Phoenix My daughter has had this weird...shall we say skin issue, in the groin (where her leg meets...


Super Dry Skin in 6 Month Old

K.C. asks from Denver

My son has such dry skin. The last couple of days I have put on coconut oil and Eucerin lotion a few times a day and he just soaks it up. He is breastfed and drinks e...


Teenage Daughter W/ Dry Burning Skin (Facial Area)

B.H. asks from Philadelphia

My 13yo daughter has had a problem the last few weeks with dry/flakey looking skin on her face. I asked her to start using moisturizer in the morning and before bed....


Rash/dry Skin Patches Appearing on 7 Month Old

E.F. asks from Albany

My 7 month old has what appears to be a rash or patches of dry skin on his back and some on his legs. I plan to take him in to the doctors but wondered if anyone els...


21 Month Son Has Dry Patches/small Bumps on Skin

K.S. asks from Charlotte

My son was born with tiny bumps on the back of his arms (like mommy). Now, his back is so dry and after bath, the skin on his back turns very red. I use johnson & joh...