Process: Child

Results 71-80 from 1,173 articles


J.H. asks from Los Angeles

hi~ I know there are many wonderful moms here that have a wealth of information. well... we just got a phone call that we were chosen by a birthmother to adopt her...


Adoption with Current Debt

A.T. asks from Dallas

My husband and I are thinking about adopting. We have two children already, but would like to extend our family to at least four kids by adoption. However, we do ha...


Staying Home with 5 Year Old

A.C. asks from Tulsa

Hey everyone. I am a SAHM of a 5 year old little boy who is in pre k this year. I have two step kids, but they are not with us much. I have chosen to continue to sta...


Where Can You Adopt Pets in the Dfw Area?

M.C. asks from Dallas

Our dog that we had for almost 12 years recently passed away unfortunately and I really miss having a dog around. Growing up I always had dogs and my kids have also ...


Foster Parenting and Adoption

S.S. asks from Canton

My husband and I have been trying to concieve our 2nd child for 4 years now without any success. We have also tried some infertility treatments without success so now...



R.A. asks from Buffalo

I am a mother of 2 gilrs and adopted a question is my 3rd is my grand daughter..and now she is 8 yrs old the my oldest who is the birth mother is married and ...


Adoption Experience and Resources.

V.I. asks from Orlando

Looking for adoptive mom's experiences or resource recommendations. We are considering growing our family through adoption and are just starting the process. We wer...


Can I Adopt My Friends Baby If I Had a Children Services Case Before

J.B. asks from Los Angeles

Would like to no if I can adopt my friends baby if had a dcfs case in my past



S.B. asks from Columbus

Hello everyone, I wanted to ask you guys if anyone knows anything about adopting. My husband and I have been talking about it, but I don't know were to start or wh...



S.H. asks from Dallas

I was wondering if anyone has been through my situation and what did they do. I have a 16 year old daughter who is being raised by a man that is her "daddy" but not b...