Playing Dress Up: Preschooler, Puppets

Results 51-60 from 107 articles

Need Help with Activities for 19 Month Old

A.W. asks from Seattle

HI- I don't even know what to title this request but I need some advice. And I am sure that once our weather gets better and we can get outside more, then I will fe...


Drama overload...need Perspective

S.L. asks from Elkhart

Hi moms. I am only a few days into summer vacation with three kids and already I know I've got to make some radical changes. My kids are all well behaved and genera...


Seeking Ideas for 4 Yr Old Daughter's Birthday Party

L.L. asks from Sacramento

Hi Everyone.. My daughter is turning 4 next month and I'm planning a party, but not quite sure what to do. My daughter attends preschool part time and I was looki...


Fun for 4 Yr Olds

W.Y. asks from Detroit

My daughter is having her first sleepover next weekend since we moved into our new home. Both girls are 4 and a half and I was wanting to find something fun for the t...


Need Game Suggestions for Birday Party

T.F. asks from St. Louis

We are having a birthday party for my niece who is turning 2. I have it planned for outside, but am ready to move it indoors if it rains. The problem is there are 8 g...


Need Ideas to Keep My 2 Year Old from Being Bored

S.M. asks from Dallas

My daughter is getting bored out of her mind sitting at home with me. I stay home with my 2 year old daughter and I need ideas of things to do with her to keep her fr...



P.K. asks from New York

Hi ladies, I am in need of a gift for a 5 yo. It is the grandaughter of my best friend. Known each other for 62 years!!!!! So it has to be something special. S...


Specific Christmas Gift Ideas for 3 Yr Old on the Spectrum

B.C. asks from Joplin

Often times kids on the spectrum can have an almost obsessive love with something in sons love is for "letters" as in the alphabet...we have magnetic ...


Is This Something I Talk with the Teacher About?

K.I. asks from Los Angeles

Hi All, Quick question: My daughter is 4y/o and is in preschool. She goes 3x a week from 9-11:30a. She came home today and told me that a lil' boy in her class spi...


Need Suggestions, Bit of a Rant

B.C. asks from Joplin

ok, so I have not been working at my new job long, and going into I was warned it would be crazy for a while. I am working as a preschool teacher and the room I have ...