Picky Eater: Elmo

Results 1-10 from 31 articles

Very Picky Eater

T.R. asks from Philadelphia

My 15 month old is a ver picky eater. There are certain things she likes, and anything new i put in front of her she either just smashes it or throws it on the floor....


Picky Eater

A.N. asks from Milwaukee

My daughter, who is 2, has begun not eating foods that she once liked like pancakes and french toast, and has become more unwilling to try certain foods. I still offe...


Fussy Eater with a Milk Allergy

K.W. asks from Detroit

Good morning, moms! I have a 17 month old daughter who has a milk allergy. She is very limited on the foods that she can eat. The ones she can eat she just seems t...


Ideas for a Picky Eater

L.W. asks from Kansas City

My 2 yr old is very picky about what she eats. Right now she'll eat hot dogs,pizza,chicken nuggets or chicken fries. She might sometimes eat a pbj or a grill cheese b...


Picky Eater Won't Eat

K.M. asks from Dallas

Ok Mamas, I REALLY need some help here. My little non-eating angel is almost 17 months old, and I have tried so many different things to get her to eat on her own. Ab...


Need Advice on Feeding a Picky 3 Year Old.

I.N. asks from Los Angeles

I have a beautiful 3 yr old girl who refuses to eat. She's always been a very picky eater, but lately it's gotten worse. She'll taste the food, takes 2-3 bites and wa...


Looking for Ways to Get My Picky Toddler to Eat.

A.W. asks from Louisville

My 23 month old son has been getting more and more picky over the past 5 months. All he wants is milk. When it comes to food he'll eat there are only a few; mac an...


Looking for Children's Books Involving Food and Eating

H.M. asks from Miami

My toddler is a picky eater and doesn't like to eat much. He recently saw a pig eating in a book and I was able to get him to ea some tbreakfast by comparing it to ...


Seeking Advice from Moms'

K.R. asks from New York

My 17 month old daughter is still not sleeping through the night, and she is a terrible eater. I have tried numerous techniques to try to get her to sleep. Crying i...


Long Car Trip

S.P. asks from Chicago

My in-laws want my husband and i and our soon to be 1 yr old to go on a 11+ hrs. trip so we can meet up with family for thanksgiving. I really don't want to go b/c t...