Naps: Saline Drops

Results 21-30 from 166 articles

My Son Seem's to Always Be Congested!!

K.H. asks from New York

I honestly feel like our son has had a cold/cold on his chest since last September!! I have brought him to the dr numerous times, his chest and lungs are fine, each ...


11 1/2 Month Old and Cold Meds??

T.L. asks from Columbia

my 11 1/2 month old has had re-occuring colds since birth (she got one before we left the hospital) well this time its worse then all the others.... for the past 2 mo...


Four Month Old Coughing-should I Call Doctor?

T.L. asks from Dallas

My four month old developed a stuffy nose a couple of weeks ago. She has trouble breathing at night, but seemed happy other than that. I took her to the doctor last...


Searching for Cold Remedies in 7 Mos Old

L.B. asks from Detroit

Hi moms! I need some advice!! I have two children and myself, stuck with colds. Mine, I can deal with, my three year old seems to be able to deal with it too - howev...


7 Month Old Resists Sleep Schedule and Her Habits Are Getting Worse!

T.K. asks from Boise

Hi there! I've never written in a request before but after last night, I don't know what to do! At 3 months, my daughter was sleeping through the night for 11 hours...


3.5 Month .do I Have to Feed Her Rice Cereal and She Is Having Troubles with Gas

M.M. asks from Jamestown

My 3.5 month old girl began life with colic which lasted about 3 months. The last three weeks have been bliss not having to deal with the intense screaming. She is ...


How to Break up Phlegm in 4 Year-old

H.L. asks from Washington DC

Ok, so last time I posted I asked for help with my mosquito magnet 4 yo. Someone suggested menthol ointment on certain parts of body. I continue to spray my son with ...


Sleep and 15 Month Old

A.S. asks from Albany

My daughter just turned 15 months this past week. She is just starting to walk. About 3 weeks ago, she started to wake up every night at 3am, we did everything and ...


Older Baby Still Not Sleeping

R.B. asks from Grand Rapids

Hello, I am beginning to feel pretty desperate and so an seeking advice here. My 10-month-old just doesn't sleep well. He was a horrible sleeper as an infant. The...


Looking for Good at Home Remedies or Advice for a Sick 21 Month Old

L.G. asks from Washington DC

Hi ladies, I thought I would ask you great moms to see if anyone has any good remedies that worked for you. I have a daughter who just turned 21 months over the Chri...