Illnesses: Meijer

Results 81-90 from 150 articles

Severe Diaper Rash

A.C. asks from Detroit

My 8 month old daughter suffers from severe diaper rash sometimes and I'm looking for suggestions on how to help treat her. I try to change her ASAP, leaving my child...


Has Anyone Used (Finugreek) While Breastfeeding?

S.C. asks from Cincinnati

Hi, I'm exclusively breastfeeding my 4 month old son. He just turned 4 months so he will be starting cereal. I haven't pumped any milk at all, I'm solely breastfee...


Any Help Would Be Great.....

T.S. asks from Lexington

Hello all. I am 7.5 wks pregnant and so nauseated ALL day long I don't know what to do. I have a one yr old who needs me and sometimes I don't know how we made it thr...



L.J. asks from Detroit

I'm 9 weeks and can't stop spitting or vomitting. I can't swallow my saliva it feels as if it's 1000 degrees( sorry if I just grossed out the entire mamasource commu...


Luck with Putting Yourself into Labor?

E.S. asks from Canton

ok, need to have this baby before my doc leaves town for a conference next week. He is solo in his practice and the only one in my county that even entertains the id...


Formula Options .... Different Brands, Etc.

S.P. asks from Detroit

I am due with my son at the end of the month. I'm very confused about the different formulas to choose from. I can not breast feed, so that's not an option. I'm not s...


Nephew Was a Premie, Is Now Almost Two and Does Not Eat Solid Foods. Help!

J.R. asks from Detroit

My nephew was born 3 months premature and was in NICU for 3 mos before he could go home. He's been delayed in a number of ways - crawling, walking, talking (only kno...


Going from Nursing to Formula at Six Months

M.N. asks from Chicago

Hi Ladies, I have had to come to a decision that has been really hard but I need to start taking medicine. So I am looking for advice on a good formula that will hel...


Extreme Couponing Question - or Just Couponing Question

M.M. asks from Chicago

I watched the show for the first time (it shows how much TV I watch, I guess) and I also do cut coupons from the inserts and other magazines that come my way. Anyway,...


Food Allergy Advise Needed

C.K. asks from Saginaw

My 4 yr old, we have learned is allergic to corn and all corn by-products (corn syrup). I have a list of do's & dont's from the allergist but there is only so many wa...