Home Remedies: First Years

Results 31-40 from 41 articles

Breastfeeding Second Time Around... Can I Expect the Same Sort of Scenario?

A.P. asks from Williamsport

I was successful with breastfeeding my son. But I have 2 main concerns, and I'm wondering if I'll have the same "problems" this time. 1. I had a TON of milk. I cou...


Could My 3 1/2 Month Old Be Teething? Frustrated by Toys.

C.B. asks from San Francisco

Hi - My son is 3 1/2 months old. I think he may be teething, but I can't tell for sure. He starts crying soon after I give him any kind of toy, and it seems to be b...


My 14-Month Old Boy Is Waking up Every Hour During the night...help!

J.A. asks from Seattle

My 14-month old toddler is waking up almost every hour during the entire night. I know this is somewhat my fault since he co-slept with my husband and I for his firs...


Need Advice

C.S. asks from Denver

I have been married for 2 years. I love my husband with all my heart. But, am so frustrated and latelty I have been feeling depressed. I feel like my husband is losi...


Need a Good Book to Present with a Baby Shower Gift

M.M. asks from Detroit

Hello, One of my dearest friends is expecting her first child at the age of 38. My children are ages 7 & 10 and it's been a while since I've purchased a book suitab...


9 Month Old Teething Baby Boy SCREAMS When Even Looks at a Bottle!!

K.S. asks from Allentown

Does anyone know of anything I can do to help my baby??? He has 5 teeth & is obviously teething, but he's NEVER done this before! He won't take a sippy cup, regular c...


3 Week Old , Spitting up Constantly Even an Hour After feeding...any Advice

L.L. asks from San Francisco

I have a 3 week old newborn that I am breastfeeding, we are concerned about him spitting up, sometimes even through his nose, even 1 hour after feeding. We tried to ...


Nipple Confusion

E.D. asks from San Francisco

My child was in the NICU for her first 5 days of her life. So, she was given bottled formula and pacifiers. I am pumping and she only drinks my breast milk, but she...


Should I Hold Back on Kindergarten a Year or Not?

P.L. asks from San Diego

My son will be 5 this week and have him set up to start kindergarten in August. I just have been having this nagging feeling like I should not start him this year. Le...


Help Getting a 6 Month Old to Sleep!

K.S. asks from Jacksonville

My beautiful daughter is almost 6 months old. She is a very active little girl who loves looking around and getting into ANYTHING with in reach. She has never been wo...