Home Remedies: First Years

Results 21-30 from 41 articles

Need a Good Teething Toy for 4 Month Old

J.S. asks from San Diego

My 4 month old is trying to put everything in her mouth. She gets frustrated because the things she's coordinated enough to hold don't fit in her mouth. Does anyone...



P.R. asks from San Antonio

My 4 month old started teething and he is having a very difficult time. He actually started at 3 months old. Is there anything besides the usual stuff (teething rig...


Seeking Advice About an Ongoing Problem with Croup

J.L. asks from Albany

My son is a 17 month old who has been fairly healthy during his short life with the one exception of going to the hospital ER 3 times (most recently in the middle of ...


Recommended Books

S.K. asks from Minneapolis

I am an elementary school teacher and received a lot of Barnes and Noble gift cards at the end of the year. I am 27 weeks pregnant and have a lot of pregnancy books, ...


I Don't Know What to Do!

J.G. asks from Seattle

I have a daughter how just turned one about two weeks ago. She is normally such a happy baby and being silly all of the time well this whole past week has been very ...


Looking for Ideas to Sooth a Colicky Baby

K.C. asks from Chicago

i'm about at my wits end and need some advice about colic. my month old son for about the last 3 weeks can not be put down at all or else he crys. at night it's worse...


4 Month Old Teething

H.C. asks from Washington DC

Hello, My four Month old daughter seems to be teething, all she wants to do is bite on everything and is very fussy. How can I tell if she is teething isn't she too...


Teething Toddler

L.B. asks from Springfield

My sweet baby girl is just now cutting her canine teeth (all 4, the top & bottom) at 19 months. She has all her other teeth even her second molars. She didn't reall...



C.C. asks from Dallas

My 2 month old is a little congested, and I have been using "little noses" nose drops and the bulb syringe they gave us at the hospital. But the syringe doesn't work...



R.P. asks from Chicago

Hi out there! I was wondering if anyone has any creative ideas on how to deal with teething. We have tried baby oragel, Hylands, and teething rings (none of which has...