Health: Teen

Results 81-90 from 137 articles

Does It Make You Sad to See Your Kids Growing Up?

L.K. asks from Wausau

My oldest is going into kindergarten Next year!!!Were has this time gone.I am really sad 1/3 of my kids are starting school.My youngest is now 8 months old.My middle ...


Teenager and Relocation..

W.F. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Mamas .. My question today is regarding my 13 year old son and our family relocating to Europe for 3 years. Is it really possible that my son is Ok with the ...


Flying with a 3 Year Old

D.D. asks from Phoenix

I am going ot be flying with my Son who is almost 4 in april. I do not do well flying I get motion sickness. But Its a must I have to go My mother is having back surg...


Cloth Diapers

K.G. asks from Kansas City

I have a friend who is considering using cloth diapers for her 3rd baby but we don't know anyone personally done besides our parents. I was wondering if there was an...


Advice About Trying for a Second Baby

M.L. asks from Burlington

Our son is 28 months old, and we have been trying to have a second baby for 20 months now. I have even been on Clomid for the full run that I should be able to use i...


Is Having Children "Worth It?"

H.?. asks from Boise

Recently a friend of mine posted some sentimental stuff on Facebook about moms for mothers day. Not too controversial, right? Well, one of his other friends disagreed...


Formula Feeding My Baby, HELP!

K.L. asks from San Diego

We are expecting our first baby very soon, and I am in need of help in figuring out the whole formula/bottle thing. I had breast surgery five years ago, and won't be...


What Is Your Favorite Age?

S.J. asks from St. Louis

For you as an adult - what was your favorite age so far, and why? Was it when you were little, or possibly now? Mine is definitely now - I am happier the older I ge...


16 Hour Drive with 3 Kids - What Kind of Activities???

C.R. asks from Kansas City

My girls are 12, 7, and 5 and we will be going for a 16 hour drive on Thursday. What type of things can I get for them to stay entertained? I know they will be bringi...


Teens and "Learning" to Drive.

L.D. asks from Phoenix

This has been scarey. I got lessons for her - she does well. Small car and instructors. But w me - Tahoe. She for the most part does well. But we have had some pretty...