Gear & Toys: Older Child, Aveeno

Results 21-30 from 31 articles

6 Month Old Breaking Out in Hives

D.L. asks from Fort Collins

Recently, my son has been sick with the typical cold type virus going around. He also had an ear infection and went on amoxicillin. He did fine with it until about ...


First Time Mom-to-be Overwhelmed with All the Products!

D.N. asks from Raleigh

Hi Moms, I am a first time mom-to-be (14 weeks) and have been researching the many products out there for babies. I am basically seeking advice about any and all ...


Challenges at Bath Time

A.D. asks from Seattle

I have a 17 mo daughter who went from one day loving her bath (at a yr old) to now crying hysterically every time she gets in the bath. We've always only bathed her ...


Going to the Beach

A.B. asks from Spartanburg

Hey ladies! My husband and I are going to the beach in a few weeks and we are taking my 9 month old daughter. I have never taken a baby to the beach before as this...



L.G. asks from St. Louis

My 10 month daughter has had a rough winter. On New Year's Eve she came down with RSV, which took about 2 weeks to clear up and get her back to normal. Then on the ...


Almost 2Yr Old with Bad Diaper Rash!

C.M. asks from Fort Myers

I need help. My daughter is almost 2 and she had lose poopies for about a day and a half, she still have lose poopie but the worst diaper rash I have ever seen. I cha...


Diaper Rash?

S.F. asks from Charlotte

Thanks for all of the great advice on diaper rash treatment, and on environmentally friendly cloth diapers! I just get discouraged when moms in general post on t...


Rash from Head to Toe

S.R. asks from Altoona

My 4 year old son has a rash literally from head to toe..Doctor can not see him till 9am tomorrow it's really bad on his face. I am very concerned his temp is 101, he...


Severe Diaper Rash During Flu

K.R. asks from Boise

My son who is 15 months old has had the flu for about 4 or 5 days now and has awful and I mean really awful diaper rash from all the diarrea he has had. What can I d...


Serious Case of Diaper Rash & Di

S.F. asks from Los Angeles

I would greatly appreciate anybody out there who has feedback on this issue. I have already been to doctor. My 11month old little boy has had diahrea for 6 days which...