Fever: Infant, Benadryl

Results 31-40 from 600 articles

Fever Blisters in Children's Mouths

T.T. asks from Norfolk

On Friday we found outthat our son has a viral infection, of course he can't be given anything for a viral infection, we can only wait it out. We were given Lidocain ...


Stuffy Baby

A.M. asks from Chicago

Hi. I have a 6 month old who can not get more then 45 minutes of sleep at night because she is congested. I will use the nasal asperator on her and she cries and cr...


Plz Share Your Baby Eczema Story...

K.A. asks from Seattle

I am battling my daughters eczema since 2 months, it's a huge struggle and breaks my heart. Please, if you had a baby with eczema, share your story so I can gain str...


My Baby Is Sooo Sick

D.A. asks from New York

ok i might be a little paranoid but my daughter is 5 months and she has had a fever of 102.4 yesterday and 2 days ago as well she has a bad cough and lots of phlem an...


Baby Hasn't Slept in 3 Days!! (No Sleep!! So Worried)

G.M. asks from Austin

I haven"t been on mamapedia in a long time. I"m desperate. I have an 18mth. old baby girl. Who used to sleep so well. Then all of a sudden 3 nights ago,It started. At...


My Baby Has Some Type of Blisters in His Mouth and Hasnt Eaten or Drank Anythin

P.H. asks from Cincinnati

i am so scared i need to take my baby to the hospital. He has sores in his mouth and on his gums i have been to the dr. office , the hospital and the dentist. They ea...


Rosy Cheeks on Baby

A.L. asks from Raleigh

Hey there, I have a four month old who has had rosy cheeks for the last two days. As cute as he looks, I am a little worried about what it might be. Any ideas or...


What Medicine Can You Give a 10 Month Old with Seasonal Allergies?

J.D. asks from Sioux City

It seems like my son has seasonal allergies and I'm not sure what I can do to make him more comfortable. The doctor's office said to give him a 1/4 tsp of children's...


What Else Can I Do????????????????

M.E. asks from Dallas

I had to pick up my daughter from daycare this afternoon because my daughter had a progressive fever of 99.5 to 101.7 degrees. I immediately took her to the doctor an...


Baby with Hoarse Cry

B.J. asks from Provo

My baby is almost 8 months and has been teething since he was 4 months old. The first two (bottom) teeth didn't seem to bother him much at all, but he just got his 4t...