Feeding Accessories: Miracle Blanket

Results 61-70 from 73 articles

Any Advice for Dealing with Reflux????

J.H. asks from Cleveland

My daughter is 5 1/2 weeks old and has reflux. The doctor recommended sitting her up after feedings and burping her more often throughout feedings to keep the formul...


Crying It Out

J.M. asks from Los Angeles

I am at my wits end! I have two month old twins at home who will only fall asleep in my arms, and about five minutes after I put them down they start to cry. I have...


First Time Mom- Baby Shower- What to Ask For.

S.B. asks from Gainesville

Hello moms ! I am 5 months pregnant, and have no family here. I have had the same job for 4 years, and my supervisor at work is dead set on throwing me a baby shower....


Co Sleeping Not for Me

K.L. asks from Phoenix

My son is 6 weeks old and loves to sleep on my chest to nap or at night. When I put him in his basinet (asleep) he wakes himself up and cries. I have tried to sing to...


Need Advice on What to Get as a Baby Shower Gift

M.A. asks from Los Angeles

I was wondering what the "must have" gifts are for a first time mom. My friend shower is coming up, and she has already received all the big gifts like stroller, crib...


6 Week Old High-Need Baby

R.R. asks from Los Angeles

My son is 6 weeks old and wants to be held all the time, we have tried a bouncer, a swing and even the stroller but does not like to be in these places; he will cry e...


3 Month Old That Hardly Sleeps!

A.L. asks from Chicago

My son just turned 3 months old and has been having trouble sleep for the past 10 weeks. The 1st 2 weeks we were home from the hospital he was an angel! He slept all ...


SIDS Worry

K.G. asks from Los Angeles

I've been having my 6 week old little girl sleep in a pack and play in our bedroom since we brought her home from the hospital. We have a blanket under her head as a...


7 Week Old Only Sleeps Held or with Mom/dad

C.Q. asks from San Francisco

I have a 7 week old baby girl who has rejected the bassinet from day one. We tried for over a week to help her sleep in the bassinet but with no success. We tried p...


Advice on Sleeping Routine for 10-Week Old

M.S. asks from Washington DC

I hope I cna get some suggestions and advice for establishing a sleeping routine for our 10-week old baby son. We are dealing with a sleeping nightmare where our son...