Face: Toddler, Steroids

Results 1-10 from 76 articles

Face Eczema

J.S. asks from Chicago

What do you use on your childs eczema on his face? My three year old son has been having flare ups under his lips, chin,and even swelling his lip. We. Have been to de...


Serum Sickness and Prednisolon Side Effects

J.C. asks from Chicago

My 19 month old daughter developed Serum Sickness after taking amoxicillin for a double ear infection. She is taking an oral steroid called Prednisolon to help with ...


Need Advice on Mosquito Problem

Y.D. asks from Dallas

Yesterday my 9 month old son had his well check and the very first thing she commented on was the mosquito bites on his legs. They were so bad that she prescribed ora...


Anyone Ever Hear or Try the Candida Diet

J.K. asks from New York

I have been suffering from very bad eczema on my hands for years. the dermatolgist just keeps giving me steroids. i have stopped using them b/c it's been years of ste...


HELPPP Poison Ivy Weeping Horribly!!!

A.P. asks from Tulsa

Okay I need help This is the second time I have got into poison Ivy!! last time I had it on my face, neck, lower back and legs. I got it before it became to bad and a...


S. Emma's Mom

S.W. asks from Dallas

Emma is doing alot better with this new Med the doctor put her on we are just waiting now to talk with all the other specialist to see what they say and see how much ...


Poisin Oak...

H.W. asks from San Francisco

So, I'm prettty sure my 3yold has poison oak. (She also has bouts of exczema...what we thought it was before it got worse, the day after a family party in a wooded p...


Horrible Case of Poison Oak

K.F. asks from Salinas

My poor 7-year-old daughter has the worst case of poison oak I've ever seen. One eye and nearly the other are swollen shut and her face is so red and swollen she loo...


Poison Ivy

S.S. asks from Cleveland

One of my three year olds came in contact with poison ivy Tuesday, and by yesterday when we took her to the ped, she had it all over her face and pretty much there is...


Daughter Came Home from Camp W/ Hives

L.S. asks from Sacramento

My nine year old daughter came home from camp with a HORRIBLE case of hives. The hives cover her entire body and in many places they are huge welts. My thermometer is...