Diarrhea: Toddler, Maalox

Results 21-30 from 139 articles

Antibiotic Butt Rash on My Toddler

D.S. asks from Columbus

Hi moms, My toddler is on antibiotics for streptroat and because of this, he has developed some diarrea that because it has no smell, it can go undetected. The point...


Bad Diaper Rash

S.L. asks from Visalia

Hello fellow Mother's, I just have a quick question, My 9 month old daughter has had really bad diarrhea and it seemed like overnight she had a very bad diaper rash??...


Seeking Advice from Mom's Who Are Familiar W/ Kawasaki

M.C. asks from San Francisco

My 9 mo who was treated for Kawasaki Disease 2 months ago has been having diarrhea for the past 3 days and has developed a bad diaper rash from the diarrhea. It may ...


Serious Case of Diaper Rash & Di

S.F. asks from Los Angeles

I would greatly appreciate anybody out there who has feedback on this issue. I have already been to doctor. My 11month old little boy has had diahrea for 6 days which...


Foot and Mouth Disease

S.J. asks from Dallas

My twins have gotten Foot and Mouth Disease. It is blisters on the feet and hands. I hadn't heard of it until now. The doctor said we will just get over it in a fe...


Help! My 2Yr Old Daughter Constantly Only Goes Tiny Bit of Poop like 6X/day

W.R. asks from Seattle

My daughter had a painful bowel movement a few months ago and now when she has to go, she assumes the push up position and crosses her legs so the poop doesn't come o...


11 Mth Son - Cycle of Congestion/ear Infections, Has Reflux, Doesn't Sleep Well

S.V. asks from Dallas

Hi everyone, I have a 11 month old son with a combination of issues. Most recently, he has been sick on and off with congestion and ear infections, accompanied b...


Diaper Rash

J.M. asks from McAllen

I have a 2 year old who has very sensitive skin. Whenever he has a cough w/ flem he gets diarrhea and the rash begins. His skin is so sensitive that he begins to blee...


Diaper Rash Treatments

K.S. asks from Port St. Lucie

My son (who's 18 months) is just getting over a stomach bug which caused bad diarrhea and now has diaper rash. He has never had diaper rash before. I put aquaphor o...


HORRIBLE Diaper Rash! HELP :(

3.B. asks from Cleveland

My one year old has developed terrible diaper rash. Bright red, lots of bumps, raw. He has been having diarrhea for a few days. I think because he's teething, with a ...