Diaper Bags: Infant, Beco

Results 31-40 from 59 articles

Baby Gear You Can't Live Without

A.G. asks from Tampa

Hi Moms! I was wondering what are some baby gear items that you can't live without or just make life easier? My cousin (who is more my sister than anything, her paren...


Just for Fun -- Most Used Baby Item

M.L. asks from Philadelphia

I am putting together a basket for my sister in law who is having her second (after a 6 year gap) (due in July) of "my favorite things" after having my 8 month old. A...


I Need a Good (Squirmy Toddler) Baby Carrier

M.S. asks from Minneapolis

my "baby" is nearly 2, almost 30 pounds, and has enough "squirm" in her little finger to power a small town. :) i would love to be able to carry (wear) her still, b...


Flying Alone with 10 Month Old

R.A. asks from Stationed Overseas

I'll be flying from Kuwait to TX with my daughter in November (22 hours!!!). She has her own ticket. When we flew over here, she was only 3 months old and used an i...


Seeking Input on Sling

J.R. asks from Grand Rapids

I didn't use a sling with our firstborn, but would like to with our second child. I would like one that is comfortable for both baby and mom, and preferably one I ca...


Advice on What I Really Need!

M.K. asks from Syracuse

I'm expecting my first baby in December...just looking for some advice/recommendations on what I will definitely need right away in terms of supplies/gear. Also- wou...


Seeking Moms Who Used a Sling

A.M. asks from Minneapolis

I have asked several questions to this board and have received such great responses that I thought I would ask about the sling to get feedback from others that have t...


What Is the Most Versatile Carrier?

T.M. asks from Medford

We recently switched our soon-to-be 5 month old baby's car seat and it isn't a traveller kind. We are now faced with how to easily carry our baby when we grocery sho...


Slings and Wraps

D.C. asks from Dallas

What are your favorite baby slings or wraps and why do you like them? Do you have any slings or wraps that you dislike? I bought three different ones for baby #1 an...


Toddler Carrier

J.W. asks from Los Angeles

I'm about to take a trip with my son and am looking for an infant carrier to wear while we're in the airport. My son weighs 25 lbs but has very chunky legs and feels...