Diaper Bags: Infant, Beco

Results 41-50 from 59 articles

Ring Sling for Breastfeeding

L.C. asks from Los Angeles

I was wondering if anyone had success using a ring sling for carrying their baby? I have 3 baby carriers already (Peanut shell...baby is too squished, Ellaroo wrap......


Gift for Preemie?

P.C. asks from Los Angeles

Hi there - a close friend just had a very premature baby. I was wondering if any other moms out there had preemies and what gifts they found the most useful. he is b...


Front Pack Carrier for plus Size Mom

A.H. asks from Seattle

I wanted your opinion on purchasing a front pack carrier that will work well for a plus sized mom. I just had a sweet baby boy 3 weeks ago and with my 3 year old runn...


Registry- HELP

K.I. asks from Indianapolis

Will you lovely ladies help me out? It's been SO long since I've had a baby in the house that my memory is failing me. SO many friends and family have asked me if my...


What to Buy

M.B. asks from Stationed Overseas

Hi. I'm expecting my second baby in a few months. I still have all the basics from my first, but I want to get a few things I wish I had gotten the first time, as ...


Backpack Child Carriers

A.B. asks from Boise

I'm researching backpack child carriers and wondered what brand everyone out there likes the best. I need one that is sturdy enough to carry a child weighing 25 to 40...


Carriers and Slings

M. asks from Cincinnati

I have a three month old daughter and would like to find a good sling or carrier, as she likes to be held all the time. I've tried others in the past with my other c...


Grocery Shopping with Newborn

V.S. asks from Philadelphia

I have a newborn and a preschool aged child. I know you are not supposed to clip the baby car seat on the front of the cart anymore (a child fell off and died). But...


Good Back Carriers?

J.S. asks from New York

My 5 mo old weighs 15 lbs and is 25" long now. She has outgrown her Baby Bjorn front carrier. That carrier was good expect it doesn't have any waist support so when...


Should I Take 2 Small Children to the Zoo by Myself?

A.S. asks from Atlanta

Has anyone done it? Am I just asking for a frustrating day? Any tips on how to do it best with a 21 mo old and a nursing 3 mo old? Thanks!