Dating Scene: Infant, First Years

Results 1-10 from 17 articles

13Yr Old Not Wanting Me to Have Another Baby.

R.M. asks from Orlando

My boyfriend of a year now is soon to move here to fla and live with my son and I. My son likes him for the most part except for the times when he (my son) feels that...


Marriage Going down Hill...

B.K. asks from Washington DC

Hi everyone, I am having relationship issues with my husband of 6 years. We have known each other for 14 years. We began dating when I was 18. We have a 3 year...



S.G. asks from Denver

I am a working mother of two boys, my youngest being just three months old. Recently, my infant has decided he doesn't want to take a bottle anymore. I began pumpin...


Marriage off Track

J.R. asks from San Diego

I feel that I've fallen out of love with my husband, and I don't know what to do. I know every couple goes through ups and downs, and the birth of a baby is one of t...


How to Help the Step Dad

C.M. asks from Washington DC

My fiancé and I have been together for 3 years, living together for 2. My son is 6 years old and his father is current in the military so for the most part out of t...


Am I Crazy? or Maybe Just Expecting Too Much?

K.F. asks from Syracuse

Ok first a little background information - my boyfriend and I have been together roughly 19 months and we have a 9 month old little boy. For those you doing the math,...


Mother in Law and My Husband

B.S. asks from Los Angeles

My mother in law has in her room a picture of my husband and his ex with their daughter on her wall. Ever since I came in to the picture and I saw it I mentioned it t...


Big Span in Years Between Siblings??

K.K. asks from Dallas

Hello, My husband and I have a four and half year old son who we adopted at birth. We have been patiently waiting now for our second child through adoption for over ...


Could My 3-Month Old Be Teething?

A.H. asks from New York

Hello Ladies... I have a daughter turning 3 months on Tuesday. Within the past two or three days, she has been crying more often (and isn't as easy to console as she ...


If You Have a Great Relationship with Your MIL....

L.T. asks from Houston

what do you think makes it great? I have an ok one with mine (some times better than others but what do you expect after 20+ years?). I am just thinking (WAY) ahead t...